Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Prohibiting smoking in public places Research Paper
Disallowing smoking out in the open spots - Research Paper Example The legitimate framework ought to manage smoking in broad daylight puts by precluding it,and by thoroughly implementing the ban.Murder,robbery,aggressive actions,sale of medications that are viewed as dangerous,overt sexual acts,unauthorized utilization of explosives,transport of poisonous materials,and numerous other possibly hazardous or hostile activities are carefully controlled or completely restricted openly puts. Cigarettes are perilous and hostile to those individuals who are uncovered in broad daylight places. The term, â€Å"in public,†infers shared space. It must be viewed as that there are sick individuals, babies and youngsters, pregnant ladies, old individuals, important and contributing citizenry, creatures, winged creatures, creepy crawlies, trees, plants, and air in that common space. All are powerless against sullying and harming by poisons discharged in tobacco smoke. It is the reason and obligation of the legitimate framework to ensure individuals in share d space, just as to maintain the insurances guaranteed in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Recycled smoke is harming and ailment initiating. Casualties are automatically uncovered, and many have no voice or social impact to battle against this foul play. Newborn children and kids, for instance, can't willfully leave a smoke-filled region, yet are helpless before grown-up decisions. It is realized that the impacts of recycled smoke on kids places them in danger of creating incessant colds, asthma, hacks that don't leave, ear diseases, hypertension, learning and conduct challenges (The Cleveland Clinic). Individuals who work in eateries or other help related enterprises, where they are every now and again presented to recycled smoke, are another high hazard bunch with no genuine decision to stop presentation, on the off chance that they leave the zone, they chance losing business and pay. On the off chance that they remain, they routinely assimilate cancer-causing agents an d different smoking-related poisons into their body, expanding their danger of lung malignant growth, coronary illness, asthma, emphysema, eye and nose bothering (The Cleveland Clinic). Smoking cigarettes is possibly deadly. Since it is deliberate, it very well may be viewed as a demonstration of moderate movement self destruction. At the point when a smoker smokes, out in the open space, he/she is playing out an open demonstration of implosion, saw by kids, youngsters, and other sincerely naive individuals. It is a sickening demonstration, a more slow passing than getting one’s body ablaze, in dissent, or hopping off a high rise, however alarming in any case. Acculturated individuals, who decide to slaughter themselves, ought to do as such in private, not request observers. This contention has merit absolutely on the grounds that the normal individual is educated about the possibly deadly outcomes of smoking. The demonstration of smoking raises symbolism, in light of genuine data in the brains of educated observer. The observer comprehends that smoking can prompt coronary episodes, strokes, and lung disease. The observer has seen instances of yellow teeth and yellowed nails on a smoker. The observer has smelled the stale fragrance hanging in a smoker’s hair, house, and attire. Maybe the observer grieves the demise of a friend or family member, lost to the outcomes of smoking. The observer is automatically stood up to by this symbolism, when a smoker illuminates in shared space. On the off chance that the common space is a café, the observer endures harm to a sound craving. On the off chance that the observer has asthma, or other respiratory sickness, the smoker carelessly offends another’s wellbeing condition. On the off chance that the common space incorporates pregnant ladies, their unborn kids are likewise imperiled, alongside the moms to-be. Alongside the pregnant lady, the hatchling comes into higher danger of creating lung malignan t growth, emphysema, coronary illness, hypersensitivities and asthma (The Cleveland Clinic). On the off chance that the common space is an open occasion, consideration is coercively re-coordinated to the smoker. On the off chance that the mutual space is a congregation lobby or parking garage, the observer may endure offense to his/her confidence. In the event that the common space is a recreation center, the magnificence of association with nature is undermined. The smoker sets a terrible
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interpersonal Communication Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Relational Communication Report - Essay Example In any case, the utilization of overwhelming slang can once in a while represent a trouble in getting a message precisely. I need to concede that my answers were determined and safe. They are my folks so I must be conscious and my answers ought to be steady with what they need to hear. In the event that I truly voice out my supposition, I am worried about the possibility that that it will simply wind up in contention simply like the past converation we had. To guardians who utilizes an alternate setting, it is by all accounts hard to get messages opposite a teenagers’ purpose of view.I like being with my folks yet some of the time our discussions makes me think a great deal. It was a common young discussion that is described by a light and jaunty sort of talk with scarcely any trade of chitchats. We discussed who is alluring in school and what is â€Å"in†and what is â€Å"out†. The fundamental test in this sort of collaboration is that it is casual to such an extent that occasionally the discussions has no substance to get messages over. This sort of discussion can be fun particularly to an adolescent like me however getting significant message across can be some of the time pointless on the grounds that it will simply be derided. My sister requested that I go with her in the shopping center to purchase something which I did. I figured it will be only a brisk outing since she will simply purchase something that she needs. We wound up scouring the entire for a shop that I comprehend and she wound up purchasing something that was not so much proposed to be purchased. We contended and I don't have a clue how to cause my sister to comprehend that it isn't important to visit the entire shopping center just to purchase a couple of dress. Young ladies can in some cases hard to comprehend and converse with. I don’t do well chatting with young ladies particularly when they talk about shopping and different things that interests
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Scathing Book Reviews Of 2019 Critical Linking, January 1, 2020
Scathing Book Reviews Of 2019 Critical Linking, January 1, 2020 Critical Linking, a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web is sponsored by our $50 Barnes and Noble gift card giveaway! Enter here. As longtime devotees will know, for one day and one day only here at Book Marksâ€"a wholesome and benevolent institution dedicated to helping readers find the books they’ll love by spotlighting the best in contemporary literary criticismâ€"we your friendly neighborhood book review aggregators put on our black hats and seek out the most deliciously virulent literary take-downs of the past twelve months. It’s a ritual blood-letting exercise carried out in an effort appease the Literary Gods, thereby guaranteeing a good book review harvest in the year to come, and we take it very seriously. Claws out, drama high, heres a roundup of scathing book reviews in 2019. Who would have thought that an 1883 essay with the dry-as-dust title “A Problem in Greek Ethics could create such a stir? A curator at Johns Hopkins University recently stumbled across an extremely rare copy of the 19th-century essay by John Addington Symonds that helped lay the foundation for the modern gay rights movement â€" a copy that for more than 130 years was thought to be lost. It is now on view at the university, along with some letters, photographs and copies of books from Symonds’ library. I love a found-book story. Starting January 1, the audiobook version of “The Martian†is no longer be the R.C. Bray version and is now be a version recorded by the lovely and talented Wil Wheaton. This has led to my inbox looking something like this: • Hey, where’s the R.C. Bray version? • WTF? What happened to R.C. Bray!? I liked him. You’re stupid. • Andy, your anal-itch cream of the month subscription is about to run out. Renew now for a discount. • I curse you and your bloodline for a thousand generations! • why is worf reading the martian? wtf, bro? So I figure an explanation is in order. The short answer is: Complicated rights stuff. An explanation on the change in The Martian audiobookâ€"but also a look behind the curtain on how audiobook publishing contracts work (or dont). Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird Research Paper - 1455 Words
Moral Development of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird Grace Mahoney Majewski 6/8/2012 Moral Development of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird * Scout’s moral development throughout To Kill a Mockingbird has to do with how she is taught to see â€Å"the other†, her exposure to racism and injustice, and that she had Atticus as a parent to guide her through her childhood. These factors together create a stable learning environment for Scout to grow and develop in. Scouts relationship with the constant adults in her life helps to shape who she becomes. Her father is a big role model for her and she looks up to him immensely. Her housekeeper, Calpurnia, is also a teacher for her. She teaches her about things in the kitchen and basic things about†¦show more content†¦Also, because he is always in his house his body is not very physically fit so to save Scout and Jem and kill Bob Ewell must have been very tiring. He demonstrates great self-sacrifice, bravery, and courage. Scout witnessed Heck Tate’s decision to lie, and say that Bob Ewell fell on hi s knife rather then tell everyone that Boo killed him. She did not fully understand it at the time, but the as the narrator is older Scout, she understands it eventually. After that, she walks Boo home. Scout stands on his porch and is able to see the neighborhood from his perspective, climbing into his skin and walking around in it, as Atticus said. She is able to see a piece of his life, and her being able to do this at 6 years old is extraordinary, and shows how much she has grown up. When Scout meets Dolphus Raymond, she goes through a big learning experience. He tells her how he is married to a black woman and has children with her, and that the town cannot accept this. To make the situation more acceptable, he pretends to be a drunkard so that people are able to think, oh, he is a drunk so it does not matter what he does. They are not able to comprehend that he actually wants to live that way. But when Dolphus talks to Scout and Dill about it, they are able to understand and e ven empathize with him. They could see past the racism that the rest of the townShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper On To Kill A Mockingbird2041 Words  | 9 PagesJudicial Process Course Paper For my paper, I have chosen to analyze the movie â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird.†This movie is based on the novel – by the same name – written by Harper Lee. The story has two major plotlines. One follows Jem, Scout, and Dill as they try to uncover the secrets behind the infamous â€Å"Boo†Radley. It’s only at the end of the movie that we learn â€Å"Boo’s†real name to be Arthur, and that we discover he actually tries to protect people, as he saved Jem and Scout’s lives. The otherRead MoreRole Of Women During The 1930 S South And The Women 1156 Words  | 5 PagesRole of Women in the 1930’s South And the Women in To Kill a Mockingbird How would you feel if you were a woman that lived in the harsh 1930’s? A woman’s life was very hard, and some people wanted it to change in real life and the book. Scout and the married women in To Kill a Mockingbird are pushed by the men to work hard everywhere without a reward. Women had many responsibilities at home and also when they were working. Women were expected to be a housewife and working parent. Women believedRead MoreAnalysis Of More Than One Way1317 Words  | 6 PagesOleynik Mrs. Coad Honors Sophomore English March 19, 2015 Reevaluating the Mockingbird When one embarks on reading Jennifer Murray’s article, â€Å"More Than One Way to (Mis)Read a Mockingbird†, it becomes known that she is taking her readers through a thorough reanalysis of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Murray proclaims that Harper Lee’s novel is somewhat misunderstood and over appreciated. 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Canada is no different from other countries who have begun the long list of â€Å"banned and challenged classic novels.†Most of the Canadian population can remember studying Harper Lee’s ToRead MoreAnalysing Harper Lee and his Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird713 Words  | 3 PagesAlabama Academy of Honor Archives, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama to Amasa Coleman and Frances Finch Lee. In the south, it is customary to be called by your middle name. Therefore, throughout the rest of this paper, Nelle Harper Lee will be referred to as Harper Lee. Harper Lee went to college to become a lawyer. Shortly thereafter, she moved to New York where she worked as a reservations clerk for Eastern Airlines. Harper Lee was an avid writer who likedRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird Argumentative Essay881 Words  | 4 PagesTom Robinson, a black man in To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the main characters in this story that causes controversy because of his skin color. Is the story’s relevance based on Mr. Robinson and his skin color? In my opinion yes, the book revolves all around his skin color and racism of the time. Tom Robinson is treated unfairly because he was black not because of what he supposedly did. The controversial subject matter in this book is immense in numbers, but out of all them, racism stands outRead MoreLiterature : My Life As A Person s Life1104 Words  | 5 PagesLiteracy Memories What do you think of when you hear the word literature? Most people think that literature is just analyzing poems that have no real meaning behind them or writing a 10 page paper that your English teacher assigns you to do in one night. But recently I have learned that literature plays one of the biggest roles in a person s life. You use reading and writing every single day. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Similarities Between Adolf Hitler And Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler Vs Benito Mussolini When speaking of modern totalitarian states Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are bound to be mentioned. While being significant leader of the nation during time of depression and devastation, in which was caused by the first world war. They both were about to gain power in similar fascist and totalitarian views on how a country should be run. Despite their many similarities, they also were very different through their initial efforts of revolt, social ideas and principles and their fall of power. For one example; Hitler believed that the Arian race was more superior over other races. While on the other hand, widespread nationalism for remembering The Romans former of glory was Mussolini nobility.†¦show more content†¦Approximately a year after this event, Hitler decided to act. I n an event known as the â€Å"Beer Hall Putsch†, Adolf Hitler and 2,000 of his supporters attempted to seize power of capital of Bavaria. In which, was a fai led attempt and ended up with the police intervening and the death of several of his co-conspirators and Hitler’s imprisonment for treason. Hitler used his time in prison to write his infamous autobiography, â€Å"Mein Kampf†. It wasn’t until about ten years after his imprisonment- after years of political manipulation and legislative machinations- that Adolf Hitler obtained power over Germany. Hitler and Mussolini developed policy around Fascist ways of thinking in the same fashion. Disagreement was treated with violent repression by a strong police state in both Italy and Germany. Both leaders used propaganda widely to influence citizens to keep their selves in power. Many public works and infrastructure projects were put into effect and moved them out of the great depression of both countries, and with this lead to major militarization of both countries. Another major similarity between both dictators is that they both created youth indoctrination programs to try and program the next generation to follow in their regimes footsteps. Lastly, both leaders were extremely arrogant as can be gained through theirShow MoreRelated A Comparison Between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini Essay1429 Words  | 6 PagesComparison Between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shared many similar characteristics. They shared movements that were typical of National Socialism: they adopted a radical nationalism, militaristic hierarchies, violence, the cult of charismatic leadership, contempt for individual liberties and civil rights, an anti-democratic and anti-socialist orientation, and a refusal to socialize industries. Hitler and Mussolini looked uponRead MoreA Comparison Between Hitler and Mussolini Essay example1442 Words  | 6 PagesA comparison between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shared many similar characteristics. They shared movements that were typical of National Socialism: they adopted a radical nationalism, militaristic hierarchies, violence, the cult of charismatic leadership, contempt for individual liberties and civil rights, an anti-democratic and anti-socialist orientation, and a refusal to socialize industries. Hitler and Mussolini looked uponRead MoreEssay on Comparison of Mussolini and Hitler4381 Words  | 18 PagesComparison of Mussolini and Hitler Fascism was a totalitarian political movement that developed after 1919 as a reaction against the political and social changes brought about by World War 1 and the spread of socialism and communism. It flourished between 1919 and 1945 in several countries, mainly Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan. Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship that had ideals such as extreme nationalism, economic self sufficiency and military strength. The dictators abolishedRead More Comparing Dictators Adolf Hitler versus Benito Mussolini versus Joseph Stalin1660 Words  | 7 Pagesare famous for their dictatorship and totalitarianism during the 30s decade-Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin. Totalitarianism is when a government gains absolute and total control over the country, including the freedom of thought and will as well as the citizen?s lifestyle, no other political parties are allowed and has the concept where the country is most important. The difference and similarity betw een their ideology, usage of propaganda censorship and the method of improvingRead MoreHitler : Man Of Year1762 Words  | 8 PagesHitler: Man of Year, 1938 Francisco Franco, Benito Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler: these four men are still considered some of the most ruthless dictators of the 20th century. Together they accounted for millions of deaths during their terrible reigns as supreme leader in their respective countries. However, one in this group stands apart from the rest. Only one of these men was named Time Magazine Man of the Year. This very man would be the one and only Adolf Hitler. On January 2, 1939, AdolfRead MoreComparing The Factors of the Rise of Mussolini to Those of Hitler1065 Words  | 5 PagesFactors of the Rise of Mussolini to Those of Hitler A. Similarities: Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Decisions of the Paris Peace Conference Italy joined the First World War in 1915. Yet after the war Britain, France and other victorious allies did not fulfill their territorial promises as stated in the Treaty of London. Italians felt cheated. Since the Italian government failed to fight for the gains, it was deemed incompetent. Mussolini who promised revivalRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Domestic Policies of Hitler and Mussolini1495 Words  | 6 PagesFundamentally, both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler had the same burning desire to each make their nation a respected and economically impregnable Great Power. Mussolini wanted to return Italy to its glory days of the ancient Roman Empire, a domestic policy amongst others which was used as propaganda and to ultimately consolidate his power. A strong economy and a united state were vital for both countries in case of the outbreak of yet another catastrophic war. Everything in the state, nothingRead MoreThe Left And The Right Wing1575 Words  | 7 PagesThe left and the right wing are always being compared to each other. It’s always been the battle between the opinions and the views of the far right and the far left. Even to this day, they are separated and always put in situations where they bounce ideas back and forth. Now, what this essay will focus on is not the differences between both sides but the differences and similarities within the far right, as well as the far left. We will not be comparing the right and the left, but rather the rightRead MoreThe Common Factors that Led to the Establishment of Totalitarian Regimes in Italy and Germany in the Inter-War Period977 Words  | 4 Pagestotalitarian regimes in some European countries. The most important ones in Western Europe were Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Their respective rise to power shared many similarities but there were some differences. The leaders of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany were Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler respectively. The aftermath of the First World War provided both men with a hotbed to come to power. Both Italians and Germans were dismayed and annoyed with the Paris PeaceRead MoreWw1 vs Ww22196 Words  | 9 Pagesretired from the war. This is when the United States of America declared war on the Triple Alliance, Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Germany, and Italy. Once war was declared on Germany many French and British people jumped with joy due to past rivalries between the countries. Because of the USA declaring war, France and the United Kingdom were able to beat Germany and Austria Hungary. Before Germany and Austria-Hungary were defeated, Germany had been making a plan since the Bismarck invasion. This
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
In 1988, the Institute of Medicine made a study ( IOM, 1988 ) on â€Å" The Future of Public Health †which fundamentally changed the manner public wellness was planned in the USA. The commission that was set up recommended in that study that wellness bureaus for the province degrees should escalate their managerial capablenesss in three indispensable functional countries which are assessment, policy development and confidence. The rise in attending to managerial competency has gone with the rise in involvement in tracking, quantifying and bettering the appraisal of wellness impact of authorities bureaus in the USA, ( Wang, 2002 ) in other states that are developed ( Kemm, 2000 ) and all over the universe ( Sim, and Mackie, 2003 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the United States of America, the attempt got to a serious degree when the â€Å" Healthy people 2000 †was published and is turning continuously. Considerable advancement has been achieved in associating specific ends for the betterment of the wellness of the population like the rate of testing malignant neoplastic disease and immunisation to specific managerial activities like the development of human resources through plans like the Turning Point Performance Management Collaborative ( Public Health Foundation, 2002 ) . On the other manus, these plans do n’t cover with some holistic inquiries on public wellness ( Kemm, 2000 ) like is it obligatory to be competent in all three maps, or is being adept in one or two adequate to achieve betterment in wellness position that is above-average? The Institute of Medicine conducts two national plans for kids. This is geared towards the betterment of the edifice blocks of the kids. The plans are School Breakfast Program ( SBP ) and the National School Lunch Program ( NSLP ) . These plans play of import parts in helping the wellness and nutrition of school pupils in the United States by offering low-cost or free tiffins that are balanced nutritionally each school twenty-four hours. In 2008, the School Breakfast Program ( SBP ) gave breakfast to 10.5 million kids while over 30.5 million kids received tiffin from the National School Lunch Program ( NSLP ) . At present, to acquire compensation from federal, school repasts must run into the 1995 established ordinances for criterions of nutrition and demands for repast. In the old ages, developments have been made in dietetic counsel since those guidelines were set up. The manner in which demands for repast are monitored and implemented will determine whether pupils take portion in SBP and NSLP and eat the nutrient that is given to them. Critical schemes of execution to advance alteration and increase the engagement of pupil in the plan include affecting the school as an entity, affecting parents, pupils, and the populace ; educating the pupils on nutrition ; and supplying practical aid. The engagement of industry will be relevant to the procedure of execution which includes presenting attractive nutrients that are low in concentrated fat and Na and those that have a higher ratio of whole grain to refined grain. Additionally, current methods for monitoring will steer the attempts of execution. The support recommended from the services of nutrient and nutrition include ; Practical support for continuously developing and bettering bill of fares, puting orders for suited nutrients and commanding the cost of these nutrients while continuing their quality. New methods for oversing the quality of repasts in the school that lay accent on meeting of import ordinances for diet. Activities of public wellness have well improved the quality and length of life all over the universe ( Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999 ) . In certain, the reduced incidence and happening of infective disease has been a major accomplishment of public wellness. On the other manus, the advancement of the hereafter will be more debatable to accomplish and measuring the public bureaus ‘ wellness impact will be more hard. As stated by Jocelyn Elders, the former sawbones General of the United States, ‘public wellness is ill understood-perhaps because when it is effectual, nil happens ‘ ( Elders, 1995 ) . As there are a fluctuation in the intercessions and wellness impacts, the ability to place the activities of a wellness bureau that is straight lending its quota to the advancement is difficult to determine and is ever dependent on argument ( Coyne and Hilsenrath, 2002 ) . A set of three of import maps as stated above has been developed by the Federal Gove rnment ‘s Institute of Medicine in the USA. Not many surveies have made effort to mensurate the status of public wellness pattern in the USA as it is linked to the recommendation of the Institute of Medicine ( IOM, 1988 ) sing all three of import maps. Out of eight surveies that were ab initio conducted, four laid accent on section of local wellness ( Handler and Turnock, 1996 ; Scutchfield et al. , 1997 ) and the other four took an attack on province degree ( Halverson et al. , 1996 ) . Scott et al. , 1990 were the first squad to transport out a complete nose count based on the of import maps of public wellness indicated by the Institute of Medicine. Seven old ages subsequently, Scutchfield et al. , ( 1997 ) repeated the study done by Scott et al. , ( 1990 ) and found that the figure of bureaus involved in confidence and appraisal activities was in general, unchanged. On the other manus, the per centum of wellness bureaus in the province degree that are enthusiastically involved in policy development dropped from 72 % to 49 % within the same period. For policy development as it relates to particular issues, such as genetic sciences and the bar of disease ( Piper et al. , 2001 ) , states displayed even reduced degrees of activity. This means that in merely about half of the provinces, the maps of a formal policy development were absent even on the footing of self-report. In the research on direction, approaches bases on constellation are used to look at the relationship between public presentation, construction of the organisation and determination devising, and the strategic planning capablenesss of organisations. Additionally, a positive connexion between fiscal public presentation and systems constellation of strategic planning has been confirmed to be objectively ( Veliyath and Shortell, 1993 ) . On the other manus, no researches to day of the month hold made effort to separate constellations on non-monetary steps of success such as the results of health care. The highly indispensable characteristic of any constellation is specifying the planned intent of the organisations that are analyzed. From the position of public wellness, it is indispensable to measure the effects of the of import maps on the steps of population wellness position. Consequently, analytically associating the planning theoretical accounts of bureau to the appraisal of public wellness impact is a natural add-on of the methodological analysis of constellation. The section of wellness and human services in the US has recognized 10 taking wellness arrows and suggested that they should be used as steps of result because they â€Å" assist everyone understand the importance of wellness publicity and disease preventionaˆÂ ¦ developing schemes and action programs to turn to one or more of these indexs can hold a profound consequence on increasing the quality of life and extinguishing wellness disparities †( US Department of Health and Human Services, 2000 ) . The chief wellness indexs are Physical activity Fleshiness Use of baccy Maltreatment of substance Sexual behaviour Mental wellness Violence and hurt Quality of the environment Immunization and Access to wellness attention Other research workers and organisations ( Sutocky et al. , 2000 ) have set up a directory of the wellness position of community utilizing similar steps for illustration, since 1989, the group called the UnitedHealth has formed annually studies that ranks the general province of wellness in all 50 provinces. The study gives a elaborate position of the wellness tendencies of the population across the US. The Markss are made to draw attending to critical steps that affects the wellness of the populace. Additionally, set uping the points into a individual variable permits an all inclusive comparing of general wellness advancement with the of import maps. Consequently, nailing relationships between the constellation of of import maps and the betterment of the wellness of the population is a relevant add-on to both research in public wellness and direction. Background In recent old ages the usage of Health Impact Assessment has been on the rise in the USA, energized by an increasing consciousness among professionals of transit, public wellness and planning that transit planning and land usage can hold a considerable impact on the wellness of the populace. Health Impact Assessment is an instrument to assist determination shapers and other contrivers better place the wellness result of the determinations they make. Health Impact Assessment is described as â€Å" a combination of processs, methods, and tools by which a policy, plan, or undertaking may be judged as to its possible effects on the wellness of a population, and the distribution of those effects within the population †( European Centre for Health Policy, 1999 ) . HIA have been loosely used in Europe and other topographic points ( Kemm, 2004 ) , and processs are the same in the United States and Europe. Furthermore, local illustrations are needed to increase the suitableness of pol itical relations, to increase consciousness of their usage round the state, to function as illustrations for farther Health Impact Assessment, to be used as theoretical accounts in United States based preparation class for Health Impact Assessment and to maintain record that Health Impact Assessment applies in the scenes of the U.S. Lesser resources may be needed to form new HIAs if research workers can draw the reappraisals of literature and methods from related Health Impact Assessments officially done in the United States, taking note of the fluctuations in domestic environment and specifications of undertaking and policy. For case, the analysis of wellness impact based on U.S. of extra income from a life salary order ( Bhatia and Katz, 2001 ; Cole et al. , 2005 ) may be of import as portion of the consequence of wellness analysis that is attributed to employment created by a new concern development in the United States ‘ informations on web between income and wellness from Europe will be non so applicable for such an analysis because of colliding economic, societal and political conditions. An adept squad in 2004 critically looked into the possibility for increased usage of HIAs in the United States and made suggestions on the following stairss that could better the usage of HIAs ( Dannenberg, 2006 ) . These stairss includes transporting out experimental HIA undertakings, making a database of Health Impact Assessment completed, griping up the capacity to develop people to transport out HIAs, developing motive to increase the demands for Health Impact Assessments by those who make determinations and developing practical methods for anticipations ( Dannenberg, 2006 ) How to cite Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mya free essay sample
MyaMyaMany of you probably have heard of the hot new 18-year-old RB artist Mya. This new diva, Mya Harrison, has recently come out with her first CD, self-titled Mya. It is wholesomely filled with her fiery RB soul voice. I strongly recommend it if you like and listen to pure RB.When you listen to this CD, I am positive you will recognize her soulful voice. Recently, you may have heard her when she joined Wyclef Jean and Oil Dirty Bastard to sing the popular jam, Ghetto Superstar. This was the start of her singing career. Since then, she has recorded this CD that includes the hit Its All About Me. Mya also recorded a duet with pal Missy Misdemeanor Elliot entitled Bye-Bye, along with a ballad featuring popular crooner Babyface, entitled, My First Night With You.Mya is the one to get, strictly because of Myas amazing voice. We will write a custom essay sample on Mya or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though she is only 18 years old, she has proven her amazing vocal maturity. Mya has been compared to Bestings Child, along with teen-sensationBrandy. If that isnt a reason to get Myas CD, I dont know what is..
Monday, March 30, 2020
Speech Recognition Principles And Applications Essays - Linguistics
Speech Recognition: Principles And Applications Table of contents Abstract 3 Overview of the Characteristics of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems 4 Number of Words 4 Use of Grammar 5 Continuous vs. Discrete Speech 5 Speaker Dependency 6 Early Approaches to Automatic Speech Recognition 6 Acoustic-Phonetic Approach 7 Statistical Pattern Recognition Approach 8 Modern Approach to Automatic Speech Recognition 8 Hidden Markov Models 9 Training of an Automatic Speech Recognition System Based on HMMs 11 Sub-Word Units 11 Applications of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems 12 Automated Call-Type Recognition 13 Data Entry 13 Future Applications Using Automatic Speech Recognition Systems 14 Conclusion 14 References 15 Abstract With the advances of technology, a lot of people may think that integrating the ability of understanding human speech in a computer system is a piece of cake. However, scientists disagree. Since the early nineteen fifties, scientists have tried to implement the perfect automatic speech recognition system, but they failed. They were successful in making the computer recognise a large number of words, but till now, a computer that understands everything without meeting any conditions does not exist. Due to the enormous applications, a lot of money and time is spent in improving speech recognition systems. SPEECH RECOGNITION: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS Nowadays, computer systems play a major role in our lives. They are used everywhere beginning with homes, offices, restaurants, gas stations, and so on. Nonetheless, for some, computers still represent the machine they will never know how to use. Communicating with a computer is done using a keyboard or a mouse, devices many people are not comfortable using. Speech recognition solves this problem and destroys the boundaries between humans and computers. Using a computer will be as easy as talking with your friend. Unfortunately, scientists have discovered that implementing a perfect speech recognition system is no easy task. This report will present the principles and the major approaches to speech recognition systems along with some of their applications. Overview of the Characteristics of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems How can we evaluate a speech recognition system? Obviously describing it by good or bad isnt enough since the performance of such a system may be outstanding in one application and poor in another. In fact, speech recognition systems are designed according to the application. Some of these variable characteristics are presented below. Number of Words The major characteristic of a speech recognition system is the number of words it can recognise. The question that comes to mind is how many words are enough so that the performance of a speech recognition system is acceptable. The answer depends on the application (6, p98). Some applications may require few words, like automated call-type recognition, others may require thousands, like data entry. However, increasing the number of words or the vocabulary of a speech recognition system increases its complexity and decreases its performance (probability of error is higher)(6, p.98). Systems with large vocabularies are also slower since more time is needed to search a word in a large vocabulary. Increasing the number of words isnt enough because the speech recognition system is unable to differentiate words like to and two or right and write (6 ,p.98). Use of Grammar Using grammar, differentiating words like to and two or right and write is possible. Grammar is also used to speed up a speech recognition system by narrowing the range of the search (6,p.98). Grammar also increases the performance of a speech recognition system by eliminating inappropriate word sequencing. However, grammar doesnt allow random dictation which is a problem for some applications (6, p.98). Continuous vs. Discrete Speech When speaking to each other, we dont pause between words. In other words, we use continuous speech. However, for speech recognition systems, there is difficulty in dealing with continuous speech (6, p.98). The easy way out will be using discrete speech where we pause between words (6, p.100). With discrete speech input, the silent gap between words is used to determine the boundary of the word, whereas in continuous speech, the speech recognition system must separate words using an algorithm which is not a hundred per cent accurate. Still, for a small vocabulary and using grammar, continuous speech recognition systems are available. They are reliable and do not require great computational power (6, p.100). However, for large vocabulary, continuous speech recognition systems are very difficult to achieve, require
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon essays
Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon essays Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon onset of ischemic stroke? In Canada a stroke occurs every ten minutes, it is the fourth leading cause of death and is the number one cause of long-term disability. Canadians spend a total of 3 million days in hospital because of stroke costing the Canadian economy $2.7 billion a year, with the average acute care stay costing approximately $27,500 per stroke (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2002). Currently there are 350,000 Canadians living with the effects of stroke with 50,000 new strokes occurring every year and the incidence is increasing as Canadians age. Of every 100 people experiencing a stroke in Canada, 10 are so severely disabled they require long-term care, 40 are left with moderate to severe impairment or disability, 25 will have minor impairment or disability, 10 will completely recover and 15 will die. Fewer than 50% of stroke patients ever return to work (Canadian Stroke Network, 2004). This paper will use the pathopysiology concepts of ischemic stroke to answer this question: Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon onset of ischemic stroke? This is a very clinically important question because early identification of stroke is the single most important tool in the reduction of disability. The largest barrier to patients receiving thrombolytic therapy is the failure to identify signs and symptoms and seek immediate treatment. A recent study found only 5% of patients experiencing stroke symptoms sought medical attention within the three-hour time window. Patients delayed seeking treatment because symptoms were not recognized, the patient and family waited for symptoms to go away, and the patient and family believed nothing could be done, or that it was not an emergency. These findings indicate the need to educate the community about stroke risk factors, signs and symptoms, and the appropriate response (Kongable, 1997). W...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
English Legal System and Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
English Legal System and Skills - Essay Example n her statement, Rose says that she did not suspect that her brother was doing anything criminal, but that she had become wary of the kinds of people he was keeping company with at the gym. Rose must realize that if this suspicion about the kind of people her brother was keeping can be related the criminal act of the money. In Regina v Da Silva (2006)1, the court held that suspicion does not necessarily have to be knowledge ad that if there was a small doubt, this can be counted as suspicion. Rose can however feel safe as long as she can prove that due to her brothers good job, she never suspected that he could be involved in such a case and that it was also possible that he could afford that kind of money. Sarah may have a criminal responsibility of aiding and abetting crime, according to section 93A (1)(a) of the criminal justice act 1988 UK. It is clear that she was aware that her uncle John was having financial issues at the time and that he was desperate to resolve his problems. It can be argued that since Sarah knew that her uncle was having financial problems and that she was in charge of a charity, and this can be said to have been enough ground for a reasonable person to suspect that something was wrong. She could also have questioned the motive of her uncle requiring her to keep the money for her instead of him keeping in his bank account. In Regina v Da Silva (2006)2, the court held that the appellant was guilty because she had enough grounds to suspect that her husband was having criminal activity or that the money that was being deposited in her account by her husband had been acquired illegally. The same case can be applied in Sarah’s case because she must have sus pected that her uncle who was going through financial problems could not have acquired the money in proper
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Study Skills - Methods of studing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Study Skills - Methods of studing - Coursework Example One aim and objective that I have set for working on this assignment is that I will make sure I cover all of the details of this study. Secondly, I must make sure that I write the study to the best of my ability, keeping it free of errors and see to it that it conveys the correct data. Finally, I must see to it that I use technical language fluently, and I must use it properly. If I follow all three of these aims and objectives for this particular assignment, it is certain that I will have a good mark on it. the second assignment that I have set aims and objectives for is the project that involves me writing a report for the Somerset Park Hotel. Like the above assignment, there are three aims and objectives that I will want to follow to insure that I do my assignment to the best of my ability. One aim and objective that I will need to apply is that I will see to it that I factor in all of the costs of the hotel project, so as to give an accurate assessment of what will need to be spent to keep the hotel going. The second aim and objective that I will need to apply to the completion of this assignment is that I will need to see to it that I write in a way that is easy to understand, while also making sure that the language flows and that what I write is grammatically correct. And finally, I will see to it that I completely analyze the study of the hotel, so I can have all of the pertinent details and will construct the report well. Then there is the assignment where I am to show that I have a basic understanding of HTML, and to prove this, I am to design a web site to demonstrate the skills that I have thus far. For this assignment, there are three aims and objectives that I have set to insure that I do the assignment correctly, completely, and produce high quality work. One aim and objective that I have set forth is to make sure I am using
Monday, January 27, 2020
Luxury Goods: Definition and literature
Luxury Goods: Definition and literature Chapter 2: Literature Reviews 2.0 Definition of Luxury Goods The word ‘luxury can be defined as state of life in which has uses things that please the senses or pleasing to have but not essential. â€Å"A good attains the label as a â€Å"luxury†when it has a particular design, quality, performance or durability that is remarkably superior to the comparable substitutes†(Snapshot of U.S Luxury Good Market, 2007). Dubois, Laurent and Czellar (2001) and Survanasuddhi (2007) stated a definition of the nature and characteristics of the concept of luxury. The six facets are excellent quality, very high price, scarcity and uniqueness, aesthetics and polysensuality, ancestral heritage and personal history and superfluousness. Luxury goods are rising in popularity especially as consumers buying behavior is becoming more symbolized. Consumers feel that by owning luxury products can express their personality and set them apart. Thus, â€Å"luxury goods have been defined as goods for which the mere use or display of a particular branded product brings prestige on the owner, apart from any functional utility†(Nia and Zaikowsky,2000) The term ‘prestige was defined as it consists of consumers motivations for chasing technical superiority, uniqueness, signaling wealth and status well as aesthetics appeal (Vigneron and Johnson, 1999). ‘Prestige and ‘luxury are used synonymously in the VIgneron and Johnsons research. Vigneron and Johnson (1999) categorized three types of prestige brand as upmarket brands, premium brands and luxury brands, respectively in an increasing order of prestige. Hence, it was expected that people would have different perceptions of the level of prestige for the same brands, and that the overall prestige level of a brand would consider the prestige perceptions from different people. Source: Vigneron and Johnson (1999) â€Å"Luxury brands can be described as premium priced brands that consumers purchase for their psychological values (symbolic and hedonic), and not predominately for their economical and functional value†(Nueno and Quelch 1998; Stegeman, 2006). However, the definition of luxury goods or brands cannot be fully recognized. The definition of luxury will be different and may not be the same for another researcher. Chadha Husband (2006) definition limits itself in that it only pertains to luxury fashion goods instead there are other luxury goods that are also both universally available and accepted as luxury. The definition of luxury brands have been defined as fashionable and high quality consumers goods made by reputed luxury brands which contained wearable fashion goods such as handbag, wallet, shoes and belt (Chadha and Husband, 2006; Heinemann, 2008). Fashion can be reflection of the social, economic, political and artistic forces of the time. Accoding to Gao, Norton, Zhang, To (2009), â€Å"luxury fashion goods are apparel, accessories, handbags, shoes, watches, jewellery, and perfume for which use or display of particular branded products brings prestige to owners, apart from any functional utility†. Snapshot of U.S Luxury Good Market (2007) stated fashion group represent the major product sector in the luxury goods market. It is important to know that the survey showed that â€Å"one sixth (16%) of the worlds consumers claim to buy designer brands†(ACNielsen, 2008). For this research, the term luxury goods can be defined as the brands that are defined as luxurious in the annual â€Å"Consumer and Designer Brand Report 2008†by the global Nielson firm which the survey is the largest and it identified the following goods as the luxury fashion goods. Calvin Klien Giorgio Armani Celine Ralph Lauren Louis Vuitton Ferragamo Diesel Burberry Chloe Chanel Versace Marc Jacobs Christian Dior Prada Gucci Givenchy DKNY Emporio Armani Valentino Hermes Fendi Yves Saint Lauren Max Mara The fashion goods that show above are not the only goods that are stated as luxury in this research. Consumers allow to evaluate and include other brands which they think is luxury fashion goods for them. Furthermore, there are many opinions and views of luxury from different leaders viewpoint stated in KPMG research (Managing Luxury Brand Growth, 2006). Luxury is explained in the table below as following: Leaders Name and Company Definition 1. Guy Salter * Private Investor, Deputy Chairman of Walpole, the British Luxury goods organization Because luxury matters in a way that didnt matter before. Increasingly, luxury is big business: the luxury segment is growing and according to most projections it will continue to grow for the next ten to fifteen years. 2. Belinda Earl, * Jaeger Groups chief executive * Jaeger is a luxury British brand renowned for designing stylish, innovative and superb quality womenswear, menswear and accessories. None of us are in the business selling necessities; luxury is the business of creating and satisfying desires. 3. Richard Purdey of gun makers James Purdey and Sons * Famous British gun maker of London, and the name is synonymous with the very finest sporting shotguns and rifles. Purdeys hold or have held numerous warrants of appointment as gun and rifle makers to the British and other European royal families. A real luxury brands has got to have total integrity. It has to be the buyer that says ‘this is luxury. 4. Theo Fennell * Theo Fennell is the jewellery maker by using his name for his company ‘Theo Fennel in London Luxury is something that everyone wants and nobody needs. 5. Joseph Wan of Harvey Nichols * CEO of retailer Harvey Nichols * Harvey Nichols is an international luxury lifestyle store, renowned both in the UK and internationally for the breadth and depth of its exclusive fashion merchandise. It offers many of the worlds most prestigious brands in womenswear, menswear, accessories, beauty, food and home. Luxury is about history. A luxury brand is a lifestyle concept and to be sustainable it has to have history, including a history of quality merchandise and of real luxury customers.. 6. Raphael le Masne de Chermont, of Shanghai Tang * Executive Chair of Shanghai Tang * Shanghai Tang is the first luxury brand emerging design from Chiana It is not in the price, it is in the pleasure you give to the customer. It is to do with creativity, a harmonious aesthetic with attention to details. 7.Christian Hafner * Head of Branding at Swarovski Luxury is about history, authenticity, depth and being a partner. Buying a luxury product is like a love affair. 2.1 Generation Y Generation Y are also referred as the Millennial Generation or Generation Next or Net Generation describes the demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as Millennials or Echo Boomers. According to Shareef Mahdavi (2008), Generation Y is the term used to describe children of the Baby Boomer generation, typically born between 1977 and 1995. McCrindle (2008) described the generation Y born in between 1980 and 1994. They are also referred to as ‘Millenials and ‘Echo Boomers in the western society, especially American Society. Generation Y are individuals who born between 1977 to 1994 that have a free spending spirit and consist of 71 million 8 to 25 year olds (Horovitz, 2002; Sriviroj 2007). The wealthiest groups of people are between the ages of 19 to 25 year olds who are either employed in full time jobs or part time work even though there are group amount of generation Y consumers. The greatest purchasing power in the Generation Y college student takes place within the part-time student, who spends over $400 monthly on discretionary purchases while often maintaining full-time employment (Gardyn, 2002). Those who are either part time or at full time work are college students (Martin Turley, 2004). Students always work as part time work to find extra funding for their excessive spending during the university holidays or breaks. There are average 80% of students attending college or university are employed (Martin Turley, 2004). The financial knowledge of the average Generation Y consumer also earns them the awareness and respect of marketers even though their spending power alone is enough reason to pay significant attention to this group of consumers. The financial knowledge of the average Generation Y consumer also earns them the respect of marketers today. Generation Y consumers have a remarkable amount of disposable income due to the increasing of greater level in the economy over the past decade (Martin Turley, 2004). Besides that, the research suggested that â€Å"Generation Y has more discretionary income than the previous generations and prefer to spend it on themselves rather than others. A reason for this may be because they are starting families later in life and therefore are able to spend their income on themselves without having to worry about others†(Angela Hughes, 2008) The important of this group of consumers has taken on the greater level of meaning for marketer. â€Å"While the Baby Boomers grew up with television advertising influencing how they were marketed to and how they bought products, Generation Y has many different mediums that they grew up with, which is what makes marketing to them so much more difficult†(Angela Hughes, 2008). Marketers are playing the large part influence consumers behaviour through the knowledge of fashion. The reason is that teenagers are concerned about fashion value more than any other age groups (Koester and May,1985; Sriviroj 2007). One of the most influencers is the media because of media consist of a wide range of technology such as television, internet, mobile phone and DVD. (Angela Hughes, 2008, Sriviroj 2007). The internet has permanently changed the way that this generation shops by giving the information about products than the companies give the consumer. According to Angela Hughes (2008), he in ternet is also a powerful tool for this generation in spreading opinions about products to their peers. The largest differences between Generation Y and those that preceded them are Generation Ys tremendous awareness and confidence. Generation Y is more likely than any previous generation to look up information before purchasing a product. Generation Y is more desirable to own the products that they know their peers will accept just to show they are part of the group. On the other hand, in the research of Sriviroj (2007) stated that television is strongly influence these generation which affect them as they will reflect their perceptions in â€Å"reality†as they have seen in television world. â€Å"Of the paid advertising channels of online, outdoor, newspaper, magazine, radio, TV and Theatrical, TV and newspaper are the most trusted media†(Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, 2009). â€Å"Generation Y is poised to take over as the largest and most lucrative consumer group for marketers, a position that has long been held by the Baby Boomer generation†(Angela Hughes, 2008). In order to understand the generation Y consumers, it is important to think about factors that motivate these individuals towards the purchasing of luxury goods. 2.2 Social Influence Previous research shows that group influences play an important role in influencing the purchase decisions (Brinberg and Plimpton, 1986; Martin and Bush 2000; Mascareches and Higby, 1993). The group members have been recognized as determinant of behavior. The fact that the people act in accordance with a frame of reference produced by the group to which they belong is a long accepted and sound premise (Merton and Rossi, 1949). However, many individuals did not behave like the majority of people in their recognized group (e.g., social class or educational level).The casual observation showed perplexing contradictions between group membership and behaviors. According to Merton and Rossi (1994), â€Å"a partial solution was found in the concept of â€Å"reference group†, which recognizes that people frequently orient themselves to other than membership group in shaping their behaviors and evaluations and that reference groups can perform a diversity of functions.†Reference groups are generally defined as â€Å"actual or imaginary institutions, individuals, or groups conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual‟s evaluations, aspirations, or behavior†(Lessig and Park, 1975; Pertina, Prybutok, Zhang, 2008). Besides that, reference group also can be defined as â€Å"a group of people that significantly influence an individuals behavior†(Bearden and Etzel, 1982). Reference group are important because they make the individual aware to a specific goods or brands and influence individuals to adopt attitude and behaviour that are consistent with the norm of the group. The normative and informative social influences are the most widely accepted influence. Normative social influence is based on the tendency to conform to the expectation of others while informational influence is based on the desire to make informed decisions and optimize the choice (Stephen Yang and He, 2009; Khan and Khan, 2005). Berden and Etzel (1982) examined that the reference group influence by product and the brand purchase decision. Previous research studied group influences in marketing strategy and consumers purchasing behaviour. Specifically, three types of group influences are studied which is information, utilitarian and value expressive influences (Stephen Yang and He; Bearden and Etzel, 1982; Makgosa and Mohube, 2007; Pertina, Prybutok, Zhang, 2008). Informational influence is reflected when an individual perceives enhancement of knowledge and ability to cope with environment when using information from opinion leaders, experts, or product users. Utilitarian influence manifests through the process of compliance with those who can exercise reward or punishment power. Value-expressive reference group function is based on the identification process whereas an individual who associates oneself with a group to enhance self-concept adopts this groups consumption patterns. Reference groups have been found to specify what the desirable and undesirable goods are (Bristol and Malengburg, 2005; Khan and Khan, 2005). Many researchers have argued that individuals are more susceptible to reference groups influence when the goods is conspicuous and publicly consumed (Bearden and Etzel, 1982; Makgosa and Mohube, 2007; Batra, Homer, Kahle, 2009; Morris and White, 2009). The influence of a reference group on consumer behavior can be done in one of two ways, either directly or indirectly. In the research Stephen Yang and He (2009), reference groups refer the group that individual has frequent contact with (such as family members, work associates, classmates, friends, etc.). These group is refers to the groups used by an individual to direct one purchasing behaviour in particular situation. These are generally referred as direct reference group (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1994). On the other hand, it included â€Å"the groups that does not have the membership in or direct contact with, such as certain expected groups or people in a certain social level (Stephen Yang and He, 2009). Based on the work of Khan and Khan (2005), the direct reference group influence was illustrated as â€Å"families, friends, co-worker, formal social groups and other leisure groups†. This differs from the indirect reference groups comprise of â€Å"individuals and groups t hat influence consumers purchase intentions without having and direct contact such as celebrities and sport personalities†(Khan and Khan, 2005). 2.2.1 Direct Reference Groups Direct reference groups can be defined as direct contact from the individual or groups with the consumers. With the reference from †¦.., it showed that families, friends, co-worker, formal social groups and other leisure groups are under this categories. A person has several reference groups for various subjects or different decisions normally. For example, â€Å"a woman may consult one reference group when she is purchasing a car and a different reference group for lingerie†(Consumer Behaviour, no date).These direct reference groups are the one who frequently contact with the consumers, It can be seen that the groups views from direct reference groups whether purchase the goods in order to be like group members, believing in group members decisions or a sign of wanting to fit in the group. The previous researchers have carried out the investigations on how the role models (parents, relatives, peers) influence teenagers purchase intentions and behavior (Martin and Bush; Subramanian and Subramanian, 1995)) and how parents and peers influence various products and brands purchase decisions (Bearden and Etzel, 1982). Researcher has shown that overt family communication can and often does influence younger consumers attitudes toward purchases and their consumption patterns (Martin and Bush). Consumers always do not feel confident enough to evaluate alone. They will consult a friend or partner by inviting them along to a potential purchase can enhance the process. â€Å"Having a peer present meant that shop assistants become largely irrelevant and that evaluation of a brand centered largely on initial peer reaction to fit, style and price-based decisions†(Guy W.Mullarkey, 2001). â€Å"It is also interesting to note that of all the three direct reference groups, friends tend to exert the greatest influence where individuals purchase brands because they identify themselves with their peers†(Khan and Khan, 2005). From the numerous researches that have been done, direct reference groups influence make an immediate impact to the consumers. Therefore, it can be concluded that direct reference groups play a significant role in providing relevant information, deemed necessary to make a purchase and conform the group norm. 2.2.2 Indirect Reference Groups Indirect reference groups is the group that influence consumers purchase decisions without having any direct contact with the consumers such as celebrities and sport personalities. Khan and Khan (2005) defined celebrities as â€Å"individuals who are well known to the public for their advertisements in areas other than product class endorsed†and that they represent â€Å"an idealisation of life†. In luxury goods industry, it will be much easier by connecting the brand to a celebrity and is even viewed, in some instances, as a necessity. This is because a luxury goods company is in the business of building and selling dreams, and nothing is more helpful in making such dreams concrete and thus more believable in the eyes of the consumer, than communicating it through a famous personality. Celebrities are being increasingly used in marketing communication by marketers to lend personality to their products in India (Matrade Chennai, 2005). Young consumers especially the generation-Y like advertisement more if they are attracted or admire the celebrities. Positive feelings toward the celebrities and the brand itself will develop more from the young consumers. â€Å"Research indicates that celebrity endorsements can result in more favorable advertisement ratings and product evaluations and can have a substantial positive impact on financial returns for the companies that use them†(Silvera and Austad, 2004). Besides that, previous research indicates that celebrities exert influence on consumers purchase intentions and decisions (Martin and Bush, 2000). â€Å"Celebrities have also been found to enhance persuasiveness of messages and lead to actual purchases†(Khan and Khan, 2005). For example, Madonna and Demi Moore for Versaceâ€â€beautiful, successful, mature women in their 40s, transgressive, independent, non-conformist, sexy, etc. (Roncaglia and Brevetti, 2006). In conclusion, even there is no direct contact with consumers; indirect reference groups have the strong influence to the generation-Y which affects their brand choices toward the luxury goods. 2.3 Perceived Conspicuous Value Vigneron and Johnson (1999) defined five values of prestige behaviour combined with five relevant motivations, and from these identified five different categories of prestige consumers. According to his study, particularly emphasized the role of interpersonal effects on the consumption of prestige brands, and derived three main effects: Veblen, Snob, and Bandwagon. â€Å"The Veblen, snob and bandwagon effects are evident with consumers who perceive price as the most important factor, with a higher price indicating greater prestige. They usually buy rare products and in this way emphasise their status†((Husic and Cicic, 2008). In addition, the study also conducted by Vigneron Johnson (1999) included the conceptualized framework on two main personal effects: Hedonist and Perfectionist. â€Å"Hedonists and perfectionists are more interested in pleasure derived from the use of luxury products, and less interested in the price than quality, product characteristics and performance. These consumers know what they want and use their own judgment while price exists only as proof of quality†(Husic and Cicic, 2008). Perceived conspicuous value which known as Veblen effect is the consumption of the luxury product is viewed as a signal of status and wealth, whose price, expensive by normal standards, enhances the value of such a signal. (Vigneron and Johnson, 1999). Several researchers demonstrated that price of product have a significant aspect in consumers opinion of quality (Vigneron Johnson, 1999). The price of the product is use to judge quality of the luxury products between different brands. Luxury is an expensive investment. Therefore, a high price has to be justified by an outstanding quality and aesthetics that mass produced goods cant guarantee (Barnier, Rodina, Florence, 2005). For some consumers, high price equals high quality; therefore, they are willing to pay more for high quality. â€Å"Brand exclusivity is the positioning of a brand such that it can command a high price relative to similar products†(Groth and McDaniel, 1993). In addition, it is suggested that â€Å"consumers who perceived price as a proxy for quality, also perceived high prices as an indicator suggesting a certain degree of prestige†(Lichtenstein, Ridgway, and Netemeyer 1993). This statement is further supported in recommend the use of prestige-pricing strategy by the marketing literature when appealing to status-conscious consumers (Vigneron and Johnson, 1999; Luong Thi Bich Thuy, 2008). Numerous researchers have conducted the original work from Bourne (1957), which focused on the influence of reference groups on the consumption of prestige brands (Mason 1981 and 1992; Bearden and Etzel 1982, Vigneron and Johnson, 1999). They found that there was a positive relationship between conspicuous consumption and reference groups. Studies on reference group influence have shown that the â€Å"conspicuousness of a product was positively related to its susceptibility to reference group influence†(Vigneron and Johnson, 1999). Additionally, Bearden and Etzel (1982) stated that luxury products that were publicly purchased are more conspicuous products in comparison to products that were privately consumed. The studies also suggested that the luxury products may used to communicate information about their identity. Veblen (1899) suggested that conspicuous consumption was used by people to signal wealth and by inference power and status. The utility of the luxury products may be to display wealth and one could consider that luxury brands would dominate the conspicuous segment of the consumers. In conclusion, it can be concluded that conspicuous consumption of luxury goods is used to display wealth, power and status. It is playing significant role that how individual motivated into purchasing luxury goods. 2.4 Perceived Quality Value Within the field of marketing, the construct of perceived quality has been widely acknowledged as the primary driver of purchase intention (Jacoby and Olson, 1985). According to Vigneron and Johnson (1999), perceived quality value is defined as â€Å"luxury is partly derived from technical superiority and the extreme care that takes place during the production process†. Thus, Husic and Cicic (2008) stated perfectionism effect or perceived quality as â€Å"perfectionist consumers depend on their own perception of the products quality, and may use price as further evidence of quality†. â€Å"Excellent quality is a sine qua non and it is important that the premium marketer maintains and develops leadership in quality†(Quelch, 1987; Vigneron and Johnson, 1999; Dubois, Laurent, Czellar, 2009; Barnier, Rodina, Florence, 2005; Srichan Sriviroj, 2007 ). In a survey conducted by ACNielsen (2008), it was found that on a global average, â€Å"28% believe that are of significantly higher quality than standard brands†. Source: ACNielsen Report (Consumer and Deisgner Brands), April 2008 Consumer might own prestige goods because they are likely to be of higher quality (Vigneron and Johnson, 1999). A consumer who own a luxury fashion goods is likely to expect that the goods longevity and durability (Dubois, Laurent, Czellar, 2009; Barnier, Rodina, Florence, 2005; Srichan Sriviroj, 2007; Sarisa Suvarnasuddhi, 2007) compare with mass products. It should become better with time and should not lose its appeal (Barnier, Rodina, Florence, 2005). According to the Nielsen survey (2009), designer brands stand for fashion and superior quality however in the developing markets of Latin America, Asia, South Africa and the UAE. A half of respondents in these countries think these brands are for fashion followers, and up to 40 percent believe they offer superior quality. Thus, it is interesting that the greatest percentage of people who believe designer brands offer significantly higher quality over non designer alternatives hail from Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Turkey. Source: ACNielsen Report (Consumer and Deisgner Brands), May 2006 Luxury and premium brands are expected to show quality and even greater quality as well (Garfein, 1989; Roux, 1995; Vigneron and Johnson, 1999; Srichan Sriviroj, 2007; Luong Thi Bich Thuy, 2008). Groth and McDaniel (1993) stated that â€Å"high prices may even make certain products or service more desirable†, because people take that products with high prices with great quality (Rao and Monroe, 1989). In fact, luxury products will lose their scarcity and uniqueness characteristics if luxury products are not priced high (Dubois and Duquesne, 1993). The studies and literature on luxury products suggested that the â€Å"quality cue might also be used by consumers to evaluate the level of prestige of brands†(Rao and Monroe, 1989; Vigneron and Johnson, 1999; Luong Thi Bich Thuy, 2008). A low level of quality would play a negative role over the perception of the brand. In contrast, the persons quality perception would play a positive role over his or her perception of presti ge on the same brand if the buyer or the consumer perceives the brand as having an excellent level of quality. (Vigneron and Johnson, 1999; Luong Thi Bich Thuy, 2008) According to Vigneron and Johnson (1999), it stated that the perfectionist effect exists when consumers purchase luxury items and expects superior products and performance as well as quality. People who represent the perfectionist effect are those â€Å"who are assessed to personal values and judge a product according to their value of a luxury brand product†(Srichan Sriviroj, 2007; Luong Thi Bich Thuy, 2008) such as comfort and speed for luxury car or accuracy of the luxury watch. Even previous researches showed that conspicuous vale is more important effect and evident with consumers who perceive price is the most important factor. However, there were researchers stated that quality value is also important such as Jacoby and Olson (1983). In conclusion, perceived quality value were found important to study and can be use to identify the luxury consumption. 2.5 Brand Image Brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one sellers good or service as distinct from those of other sellers (; Iyiade Adedamola Taofik, 2009; Suvarnasuddhi, 2007). In the research of Korchia (1999), â€Å"image creates value in a variety of ways, helping consumers to process information, differentiating the brand, generating reasons to buy, giving positive feelings, and providing a basis for extensions†. Cheng (2006) stated that brand is important because the consumers perception of a product can be affected by the added value of a brand. â€Å"Brands signal to consumers the quality of a product, the image that it is meant to convey, as well as representing particular current garment styles and trends in a fashion context†(Keller, 1993; Guy W.Mullarkey, 2001). Brand image can be defines as â€Å"perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in consumer memory†(Keller, 1993; Cheng, 2006; Rio, Varques, Iglesias, 2001). Many researchers have been agreed the important of brand image. Brand image is pivotal because it influences purchase intention and consumers preference as well as they are willing to recommend to others and willing to pay higher price (Forsythe, Kwon, P.Leone, Shannon, 2008; Aiello, Donvito, Godey, Pederzoli, Wiedmann, Hennigs, Siebels) â€Å"To succeed in the changing marketplace, a designer brand needs to sell its core brand values; the â€Å"image†reflected in the design and the lifestyle it represents is what consumers pay a premium to buy into†remarked byKaren Watson, Chief Communications Officer, The Nielsen Company. Consumers able to difference the product differentiation, decrease the purchase risks, obtain several experience and recognize the product and its quality through brand image (Lin and Lin, 2007). â€Å"The personal identification function is related to the fact that consumers can identify themselves with some brands and develop feelings of affinity towards them†(Rio, Varques, Iglesias, 2001). It refers to correspondence between consumers behaviour, self image and image of the product. Through the image of the products the consumers buy and use, his or her self image can be improve based on the theory. It also can be inferred that â€Å"individuals prefer brands that have images compatible with their perceptions of self†(Chiu, Lin, Chiu, Chang). In addition, a positive brand image able to lower the products purchase risks and increase the positive feedback from consumers. â€Å"Consumers are more likely to purchase well known brand products with positive brand image a s a way to lower purchase risks†(Akaah and Korgaonkar, 1988; Aiello, Donvito, Godey, Pederzoli, Wiedmann, Hennigs, Siebels). Hence, consumers feel it is less risky by purchasing branded products. â€Å"The country of origin of a brand is also an influential factor for consumers choosing a product in both Asia and in Western countries†(Pervin). There are many researches suggested the country of origin influence on consumer perception and behaviour through the image of the products country of origin (Phau and Leng, 2008; Forsythe, Kwon, P.Leone, Shannon, 2008; Aiello, Donvito, Godey, Pederzoli, Wiedmann, Hennigs, Siebels). It creates positive brand image to increase the possibility for the products to be chosen and also raise the inferior image of the country of origin (Thakor and Katsanis; 1997 Lin and Lin, 2007). According to Grewal, Krishnan, Baker, and Borin (1998), the better a brand image is, the more recognition consumers give to its product quality.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Periodic Table and Sodium Essay
Sodium, one of many elements in the periodic table is being used in everyday life, it is also an essential element within your body. It is just another element, but one of the differences is that this element is something that most people consume every day. Sodium has played an important role in everyday life because of its uses in medicine, industry, and agriculture(Shriver). Sodium was discovered in 1807 by a man named Sir Humphrey Davy. He was well known for his discoveries of most alkali metals and Alkaline Earth Metals, such as potassium, magnesium, and many more(Chemicool Periodic Table). Sodium is from the alkali metal family. There are five more chemical elements from the same exact family. The period number of sodium is three. Na is the chemical symbol of sodium on the periodic table. Na is the symbol because it comes from the Latin word â€Å"Natrium†, which means sodium (Periodic). It’s atomic number is eleven and it has the atomic mass of 22. 98977, which makes it the fifth largest in its family(Web Elements). Each and every element has difference has a difference between each of them. When Sodium is not exposed to air it is silvery- white in color and is bright and shiny. When it is kept in open air, it becomes dull and gray because of the reaction with the oxygen present in the atmosphere. At room temperature, sodium is found in the form of a solid which is very soft to touch. Due to its softness, you can easily cut it with a table knife(Mukherjee). It’s melting point is 97. 72 degrees Celsius and 207. 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The freezing point is the same as the melting point but the boiling point is 883 degrees Celsius and 1621 degrees Fahrenheit(Web Elements). When a fresh piece of sodium comes in contact with air, it forms sodium oxide and this oxide forms a white coating and protects the metal from any other reaction. The reaction with sodium and water can be very dangerous. Reaction of sodium with water results in sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. As heat is produced during this reaction, it is called exothermic reaction. This released heat often burns the hydrogen gas and as a result fire may break out. If large pieces of sodium are put into water it can lead to loud explosions(Mukherjee). Most elements are used in everyday life. They can be used in same ways and different ways. Sodium compounds have many uses in industry, medicine, agriculture, and photography. Manufactures use sodium borate in making ceramics, soaps , and many more. Sodium hydroxide is an important industrial alkali used in refining petroleum and many people take sodium bicarbonate to relieve an overly acid stomach Pure sodium mostly is used in industrial uses. Some is used to produce such metals as titanium and zirconium. One of main everyday uses of sodium that everyone knows about is salt. Forty percent of sodium is used to make salt and most likely people consume salt every day(Shriver). Sodium is the fourth most abundant element and it makes up almost 2. 6% of the Earth’s crust. Another fact is that sodium is highly reactive , which makes the storage of the element a very hard task. The best way to store it is by putting it into liquid hydrocarbons. Sodium is also very important to the body because it helps regulate blood pressure, muscle relaxation, fluid balance in the body, and much more(Periodic Table). This element is incorporated in the project by the using table salt. The table salt represents the element sodium and it will be hit by a marble which will tilt the salt to pour onto the fries. This element was chosen because it is very commonly used in everyday life, it would be very easily incorporated in the project, it was a very interesting element, and while it is very easy to incorporate in the project it also seems very challenging. In conclusion, Sodium is highly used in everyday life. It can be used in medicine, food, and more(Shriver). It has many interesting facts that many people probably do not know, but should know. There are about 115 elements in the periodic table and sodium is just one of those elements(Chemicool Periodic Table)
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Globalization and Cultural Homogenization Essay
The rapid development of economic globalization and cultural globalization enhances cultural transaction between different countries. Even though in this process culture between different countries still has its own characteristic on the whole, the cultural homogenization has been presented in social life, especially in the media industry. This essay will discuss the definition of globalization and cultural homogenization, and the popularity of Hollywood movies in China, the phenomenon of convergence of TV programmers between different countries and Japanese anime elements in video games around the world will be given as examples to demonstrate the homogenization of media culture. Culture includes many aspects in people’s daily life such as the economic, politics, media. According to Appadurai (1990), â€Å"The key problem in the global interactions today is the tension between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogenization†. The cultural homogenization is the process that local cultures are changed or assimilated by the dominant outside culture (O’Connor, 2006). Globalization has its natural barriers like the differences in languages, geographical factors, religious and ethnics. These differences between countries could undermine the cultural homogenization. Take the political system as an example. Today there are different political system in different countries like the socialism in China and the capitalism in western counties like America and Australia. However the influence of globalization for the media cultural homogenization has been widely presented in people’s daily life. Under the background of globalization, the media culture makes the meaning of the globalization equal to the cultural homogenization. In the process of economic globalization, neoliberal ideology had spread. Neoliberalism advocates that business dominate the social affairs to make the national and international policies have a new order and the market can solve social problems by itself (McChesney, 2001). As a consequence, the power of political constraint on economic activities and global trade barrier has strongly weakened. It is good for the world famous media firms to expand their markets in different countries to extract profit. For instance, Hollywood occupied most of the world’s media market. It becomes a main medium by which people in different countries to understand American fashions, customs, scenery and the way of life (Hoynes & Croteau & Milan, 2011). According to Su (2010), between 1994-2007, China began to import 10 to 20 foreign films every year. Most of them were Hollywood movies. These Hollywood blockbusters caused unprecedented repercussion among the Chinese audience because these blockbusters could fit their aesthetic and entertaining need. At the end of 20th century, Hollywood films had occupied 70% of Chinese film market, but the nearly 100 films made in domestic just share 30% of the film market (Rosen 2002). With the rapid development of scientific technology, IMAX and 3D technology has been used in the film industry. The technologies further promote the Americanization in the world film field. The movies like Avatar and Titanic are examples of this. Hollywood movies created visual miracle and achieve large box-office profits one after another in China, even around the world. In order to have more market share, Chinese film producer also focus on importing American advanced film technology or the cooperating with the American film making companies. Recently year, China also has its own outstanding films like Tangshan Earthquake, but some Chinese audience felt it likes a Hollywood blockbuster because of American visual effect technology in the film. In the process of economical and cultural globalization, neoliberalism has been widely spread. The Hollywood has seized this opportunity and occupied large scale of world film market. So Americanization is a reflection of media cultural homogenization in the process of globalization. However, the media cultural homogenization not only in the Americanization of the film industry, but also appear in some TV programs. According to McChesney (2001), The rapid development of information technology further accelerates the process of globalization. It is easier for people to get media sources from different countries online for entertainment. From the page design to the organization of the content and the various functions of scheduling, the designing of many website have a high degree of consistency. People prefer to watch high clicking rate programs in Internet. National TV station also promotes to make the popular TV shows in order to improve the audience rating. In the process of TV program making, cultural and art workers’ copy or clone becomes a safe and efficient way in media. As a consequence, globalization makes media cultural homogenization a general form in media programs. For instance, the most influential media cultural phenomenon in 2012 is â€Å"The Voice†- a singing competition show began in the Netherlands to choose good singers from the public. Audiences were attracted by its novel and exciting competition mode. It had high click rating in the YouTube and achieved a great success in the world wide media industry. TV stations in different countries like Chine, Australia, and U. S. also hold the same singing competition. â€Å"The Voice†has already become a media brand. Although the influence of this program in different countries are not the same, but the forms them themselves have strong homogeneous performance, the entire process of the programs from the beginning of the match to the final results are the same form which are borrowed from the western countries. The globalization also promotes the specific media firms became concentrated. In order to reduce risk and improve the profit-making chance, the convergence and consolidation became more frequently (March & Olsen, 1989). In this process, seven media corporations dominated the world media market those are Disney, AOL-Times Warner, Sony, Viacom, Vivendi, and Bertelsmann (McChesney,2001). Some media corporations put the popular cultural elements in their own production and released in the world media market. This can also lead to the media cultural homogenization. Take Japanese anime as an example. Because of its exciting story and exquisite character, it has large amounts of fans around the world. Sony is one of the seven major firms in the world media market. It is famous for its video games. According to Sinclair (2006), the releasing of the third generation of PlayStation brought Sony to the first place in video game industry. One of the unique features in its video products was the combination of anime features with their own video game product. Anime fans around the world also fund of the animation processing games. That directly leads to the animate of games from different video game corporations such as the Xbox in Software, the Wii and NDS in Nintendo. In order to satisfy the visual need for the Chinese game player,some Chinese on-line game producers also put anime elements in their games. Globalization leads to the media market dominated by particular corporations. Because of their media products have the same contents, the world media culture also presents the trend of homogenization. In all, cultural diversity still exist between different cultures, the concept of globalization could not be totally equal to the cultural homogenization and cultural diversity still exist between different cultures. However in the media industry, globalization can be seen as the equal form as cultural homogenization. By giving clear definitions of the two parts, and use the popularity of Hollywood in China, popular TV programs and Japanese anime elements in video games as examples to show that globalization is equal to media cultural homogenization. The trend of cultural homogenization is unavoidable especially in the media industry in the process of globalization. In the future, the world trade market is in a condition of full of challenge but also chance. All countries should mobilize various resources to develop public cultural, at the same time, people should follow the step of the times closely and understand and learn other countries’ cultural essences in a rational and correct way.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Ethical Dilemmas Of Nursing Practice - 1763 Words
In this paper I will explore an ethical dilemma that may arise within my nursing practice. I have presented a narrative, from the article â€Å"A Dilemma in the Emergency Room†, that portrays an ethical situation involving patient confidentiality. I will focus on Standard IV: Ethical Practice of the College of Registered Nurses of British (CRNBC) as well as the other (CRNBC) Standards of Practice to further evolve my understanding of the ethics involved within the professional practice of nursing. FROM 110? The Narrative â€Å"Tessa†was working her job as a registered nurse in the emergency room. She found her career difficult at times, but that it had still always managed to free of moral distress. When â€Å"Ana†was admitted to the emergency department it changed everything for Tessa. Ana was admitted for major bruising and a fracture to her arm. As Tessa reviewed the documented information on the incident, she discovered that the objective and subjective da ta showed contradictions. The subjective data indicated a fall, but the objective data that Tessa acquired, while assessing Ana, included injuries that would suggest they could be obtained from physical abuse. It was when Tessa and Ana had privacy that Ana revealed to her that her husband had pushed her down the stairs. She stated that an argument had escalated due to the involvement of alcohol. Ana cried in Tessa’s arms for the fear of her children, and for the possibilityShow MoreRelatedEthical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study II3315 Words  | 14 Pages Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study II Norman Ginn Kaplan Ethical and Legal Perspectives MN 506 Tracy Towne Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study II Health insurance policies have set limits on what services will be paid for with a terminally ill person in the home and these limitations may conflict with the nurse’s obligation to provide care for the terminally ill patient (Fry, Veatch Taylor, 2011). Speaking with the family of a 59 year oldRead MoreInternational Council Of Nurses Development Programme And The Future Orientated E Health Programme Essay1150 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Tele-nursing is the practice that employs the use of technological advancements in conducting nursing practice and even providing nursing care services to the patients. 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