Sunday, May 24, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird Research Paper - 1455 Words
Moral Development of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird Grace Mahoney Majewski 6/8/2012 Moral Development of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird * Scout’s moral development throughout To Kill a Mockingbird has to do with how she is taught to see â€Å"the other†, her exposure to racism and injustice, and that she had Atticus as a parent to guide her through her childhood. These factors together create a stable learning environment for Scout to grow and develop in. Scouts relationship with the constant adults in her life helps to shape who she becomes. Her father is a big role model for her and she looks up to him immensely. Her housekeeper, Calpurnia, is also a teacher for her. She teaches her about things in the kitchen and basic things about†¦show more content†¦Also, because he is always in his house his body is not very physically fit so to save Scout and Jem and kill Bob Ewell must have been very tiring. He demonstrates great self-sacrifice, bravery, and courage. Scout witnessed Heck Tate’s decision to lie, and say that Bob Ewell fell on hi s knife rather then tell everyone that Boo killed him. She did not fully understand it at the time, but the as the narrator is older Scout, she understands it eventually. After that, she walks Boo home. Scout stands on his porch and is able to see the neighborhood from his perspective, climbing into his skin and walking around in it, as Atticus said. She is able to see a piece of his life, and her being able to do this at 6 years old is extraordinary, and shows how much she has grown up. When Scout meets Dolphus Raymond, she goes through a big learning experience. He tells her how he is married to a black woman and has children with her, and that the town cannot accept this. To make the situation more acceptable, he pretends to be a drunkard so that people are able to think, oh, he is a drunk so it does not matter what he does. They are not able to comprehend that he actually wants to live that way. But when Dolphus talks to Scout and Dill about it, they are able to understand and e ven empathize with him. They could see past the racism that the rest of the townShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper On To Kill A Mockingbird2041 Words  | 9 PagesJudicial Process Course Paper For my paper, I have chosen to analyze the movie â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird.†This movie is based on the novel – by the same name – written by Harper Lee. The story has two major plotlines. One follows Jem, Scout, and Dill as they try to uncover the secrets behind the infamous â€Å"Boo†Radley. It’s only at the end of the movie that we learn â€Å"Boo’s†real name to be Arthur, and that we discover he actually tries to protect people, as he saved Jem and Scout’s lives. The otherRead MoreRole Of Women During The 1930 S South And The Women 1156 Words  | 5 PagesRole of Women in the 1930’s South And the Women in To Kill a Mockingbird How would you feel if you were a woman that lived in the harsh 1930’s? 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