Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Similarities Between Adolf Hitler And Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler Vs Benito Mussolini When speaking of modern totalitarian states Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are bound to be mentioned. While being significant leader of the nation during time of depression and devastation, in which was caused by the first world war. They both were about to gain power in similar fascist and totalitarian views on how a country should be run. Despite their many similarities, they also were very different through their initial efforts of revolt, social ideas and principles and their fall of power. For one example; Hitler believed that the Arian race was more superior over other races. While on the other hand, widespread nationalism for remembering The Romans former of glory was Mussolini nobility.†¦show more content†¦Approximately a year after this event, Hitler decided to act. I n an event known as the â€Å"Beer Hall Putsch†, Adolf Hitler and 2,000 of his supporters attempted to seize power of capital of Bavaria. In which, was a fai led attempt and ended up with the police intervening and the death of several of his co-conspirators and Hitler’s imprisonment for treason. Hitler used his time in prison to write his infamous autobiography, â€Å"Mein Kampf†. It wasn’t until about ten years after his imprisonment- after years of political manipulation and legislative machinations- that Adolf Hitler obtained power over Germany. Hitler and Mussolini developed policy around Fascist ways of thinking in the same fashion. Disagreement was treated with violent repression by a strong police state in both Italy and Germany. Both leaders used propaganda widely to influence citizens to keep their selves in power. Many public works and infrastructure projects were put into effect and moved them out of the great depression of both countries, and with this lead to major militarization of both countries. 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