Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Musicals essays
Musicals essays Originally a distraction from the horrors of war during the 1940s and 1950s, the American Musical grew in popularity throughout the 20th century. The musical combines acting, dancing, and singing to form cohesive pictures that are still treasured today. The musical requires a collaborative effort between all elements of the film, whether musical or not. The lyrics, music, and dance have to collate with the plot, effects, and characterization to make a movie worth watching. Stars of the American Musical must be able to act, sing, and often dance, in order to get a part in a movie. Musicals must always appeal to a range of people, from a 5-year-old to an 85-year-old, to guarantee viewers. The musical always has catchy upbeat songs or slow ballads that the listener can sing along to, which provides more mass appeal. Some of the more common themes in musical theater include nostalgia, the Cinderella story, realism, and adaptations of literature. The nostalgia theme is seen in Oklahoma!, Carousel, and Showboat. The Cinderella story is represented by The King and I, The Sound of Music, and My Fair Lady. Realism can be seen in Annie Get Your Gun, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, and Newsies, which were all based on actual events from the past. Some musicals that are based on literature include The Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Jekyll The American Musical has gone through many changes since becoming a popular film genre. Early musicals were American versions of the English Operetta, such as The Student Prince. After this, genuine American Musicals were made, such as Annie Get Your Gun and Porgy and Bess. Then came realistic musicals such as South Pacific and Camelot, which were musicals with themes that most people could relate to because they were more believable, or actually true stories. Soon, even newer approaches to the American Musical were developed ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
About the Civil Rights Cases of 1883
About the Civil Rights Cases of 1883  In the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which had prohibited racial discrimination in hotels, trains, and other public places, was unconstitutional. In an 8-1 decision, the court ruled that the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution did not give Congress the power to regulate the affairs of private individuals and businesses. Background During the post-Civil War Reconstruction Period between 1866 and 1875, Congress passed several civil rights laws intended to implement the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments. The last and most aggressive of these laws, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, imposed criminal penalties against the owners of private businesses or modes of transportation that restricted access to their facilities because of race. The law read, in part: â€Å"†¦ all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement; subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law, and applicable alike to citizens of every race and color, regardless of any previous condition of servitude.†Many people in both the South and the North objected to the Civil Rights Act of 1875, arguing that the law unfairly infringed on personal freedom of choice. Indeed, the legislatures of some Southern states had already enacted laws allowing separate public facilities for whites and African Americans. Details of the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 In the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, the Supreme Court took the rare route of deciding five separate but closely related cases with one unified ruling. The five cases (United States v. Stanley, United States v. Ryan, United States v. Nichols, United States v. Singleton, and Robinson v. Memphis Charleston Railroad) reached the Supreme Court on appeal from the lower federal courts and involved suits filed by African American citizens claiming they had been illegally been refused equal access to restaurants, hotels, theaters, and trains as required by the Civil Rights Act of 1875. During this time, many businesses had attempted to skirt the letter of the Civil Rights Act of 1875 by allowing African Americans to use their facilities, but forcing them to occupy separate â€Å"Colored Only†areas. Constitutional Questions The Supreme Court was asked to decide the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1875 in light of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. Specifically, the court considered: Did the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment apply to the day-to-day operations of privately-owned businesses?What specific protections did the 13th and 14th amendments provide for private citizens?Did the 14th Amendment, which prohibits state governments from practicing racial discrimination, also ban private individuals from discriminating under their right to â€Å"freedom of choice?†In other words, was â€Å"private racial segregation,†like designating â€Å"Coloreds Only†and â€Å"Whites Only†areas legal? The Arguments Presented to the Court Over the course of the case, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against allowing private racial segregation and, thus, the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1875.  Ban Private Racial Segregation: Because the intent of the 13th and 14th Amendments had been to â€Å"remove the last vestiges of slavery†from America, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was constitutional. By sanctioning practices of private racial discrimination, the Supreme Court would â€Å"permit the badges and incidents of slavery†to remain a part of Americans’ lives. The Constitution grants the federal government the power to prevent state governments from taking actions that deprive any U.S. citizen of his or her civil rights. Allow Private Racial Segregation: The 14th Amendment banned only the state governments from practicing racial discrimination, not private citizens. The 14th Amendment specifically declares, in part, â€Å"†¦ nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.†Enacted and enforced by the federal, rather than the state governments. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutionally infringed on the rights of private citizens to use and operate their property and businesses as they saw fit. The Court’s Decision and Reasoning In an 8-1 opinion written by Justice Joseph P. Bradley, the Supreme Court found the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to be unconstitutional. Justice Bradley declared that neither the 13th nor the 14th Amendment granted Congress the power to enact laws dealing with racial discrimination by private citizens or businesses. Of the 13th Amendment, Bradley wrote, â€Å"The 13th Amendment has respect, not to distinctions of race †¦ but to slavery.†Bradley added, â€Å"The 13th Amendment relates to slavery and involuntary servitude (which it abolishes); ... yet such legislative power extends only to the subject of slavery and its incidents; and the denial of equal accommodations in inns, public conveyances and places of public amusement (which is forbidden by the sections in question), imposes no badge of slavery or involuntary servitude upon the party, but at most, infringes rights which are protected from State aggression by the 14th Amendment.†Justice Bradley went on to agree with the argument that the 14th Amendment applied only to the states, not to private citizens or businesses. â€Å"The 14th Amendment is prohibitory upon the States only, and the legislation authorized to be adopted by Congress for enforcing it is not direct legislation on the matters respecting which the States are prohibited from making or enforcing certain laws, or doing certain acts, but it is corrective legislation, such as may be necessary or proper for counteracting and redressing the effect of such laws or acts,†he wrote. The Lone Dissent of Justice Harlan Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote the only dissenting opinion in the Civil Rights Cases. Harlan’s belief that the majority’s â€Å"narrow and artificial†interpretation 13th and 14th Amendments led him to write, â€Å"I cannot resist the conclusion that the substance and spirit of the recent amendments of the Constitution have been sacrificed by a subtle and ingenious verbal criticism.†Harlan wrote that the 13th Amendment did far more than â€Å"to prohibit slavery as an institution,†it also â€Å"established and decreed universal civil freedom throughout the United States.†In addition, noted Harlan, Section II of the 13th Amendment decreed that â€Å"Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation,†and had thus been the basis for the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which granted full citizenship to all persons born in the United States. Basically, Harlan contended that the 13th and 14th Amendments, as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1875, were constitutional acts of Congress intended to ensure African Americans the same rights to access and use of public facilities that white citizens took for granted as their natural right. In summary, Harlan stated that the federal government had both the authority and the responsibility to protect citizens from any actions that deprive them of their rights and to allow private racial discrimination would â€Å"permit the badges and incidents of slavery†to remain. Impact of the Civil Rights Cases Decision The Supreme Court’s decision in the Civil Rights Cases virtually stripped the federal government of any power to ensure African Americans equal protection under the law. As Justice Harlan had predicted in his dissent, freed of the threat of federal restrictions, Southern states began enacting laws sanctioning racial segregation. In 1896, the Supreme Court cited its Civil Rights Cases ruling in its landmark Plessy v. Ferguson decision declaring that requiring separate facilities for blacks and whites was constitutional as long as those facilities were â€Å"equal†and that racial segregation itself did not amount to unlawful discrimination. So-called â€Å"separate but equal†segregated facilities, including schools, would persist for over 80 years until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s swayed public opinion to oppose racial discrimination. Eventually, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, enacted as part of the Great Society program of President Lyndon B. Johnson, incorporated several key elements of the Civil Rights Act of 1875.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Consumer protection in QATAR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Consumer protection in QATAR - Essay Example This is because these individuals cannot protect themselves. The laws protect consumer rights since they are government regulations (Howells and Stephen 86). Consumer protection is usually linked to ideas concerning consumer rights as well as other consumer organizations that assist consumers to make good choices while in the market place and also helps them in accordance to their complaints. A consumer is a person who buys services and goods for direct ownership or use. The intentions of a consumer are, usually, not to use the goods and services for manufacturing and production. Also, the consumer does not resale the goods. There are other organizations which also support consumer protection. They include self-regulating business organizations and government organizations (American Bar Association 138). Examples of self-regulating business organizations include ombudsmen, Federal Trade Commission, consumer protection organizations and agencies and Better Business Bureaus. Consumer protection leads to the development of a fair trading in the marketplace. Additionally, the laws protect the on-going businesses as well as the specific rights of consumers. These laws are also responsible for licensing, selling, buying and renting homes. They are, however, not involved in the profit legislation. The laws ensure that all products sold to consumers have the standard mark of quality (Jackson and Alison 219). The reason for insisting on high standard goods is to reduce the risk of consumers getting negative health effects from the goods and services. In order to be subjected to the mandatory standards, the product must meet the required degree of safety criteria. In case the products fail to meet the specified safety criteria, they are banned from sale. Consumer protection gives buyers the right to a refund in case an unsafe product is sold to them. The laws also issue a safety warning to the public to warn them about services and goods that pose safety risks to the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Psychopharmacology, drugs and addiction-heroin Essay
Psychopharmacology, drugs and addiction-heroin - Essay Example It is used both as a pain killer as well as a recreational drug. Some of its popular street names are – junk, dope Jenny, brown, diesel, smack, gear, dragon, hammer and ice-cubes. Heroin is a whitish brown powder or sometimes a sticky black substance called â€Å"black tar heroin†. It is usually injected, sniffed, snorted or smoked. An intravenous injection takes a very short time of 5 to 7 seconds for the drug to enter a person’s brain. It immediately metabolizes and gives the person a flush of â€Å"euphoria†(light headedness). The other methods take a longer time. Just like all other opiates, Heroin too is capable of creating high tolerance thresholds in the body. The great risk of heroin addiction is that the user can build a tolerance of the drug 3 to 4 times more than the lethal limit of a normal person. These high thresholds make heroin detoxification all the more painful and difficult for the heroin addict. Heroin withdrawal is not only painful but also frightening. The withdrawal phase lasts anywhere between 48 to 72 hours since the last dose of heroin intake. The withdrawal symptoms include – dilated pupils, Muscle cramps, Nausea and vomiting, periodic chills, panic spells, goose bumps, diarrhea, malaise, fever and profuse sweating.. Addicts who have undergone these withdrawal symptoms describe their experience by saying –â€Å"it was the worse case of the flu†they had ever had. An addict has alternate wakeful and drowsy spells with clouded mental functioning. An overdose may sometimes lead to death and using the needle used by an infected person could result in HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis. Death could also be the end result if the addict has a high tolerance of heroin withdrawal. Some addicts complain of a stressful condition called â€Å"itchy blood†which results in compulsive scratching causing bruises on the body. An overdose of heroin is usually counter acted
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Discussing the character of Charles Darke Essay Example for Free
Discussing the character of Charles Darke Essay Charles Darke is a character of huge importance in the novel because he embodies so many of the novels themes and is key to Stephens recovery after his loss of Kate and future journey. Events involving Charles Darke are not only significant to the plot but also teach the reader a lot about the movement of time and the confusion and issues surrounding childhood. The readers introduction to Darke shows him as a successful man in his publishing firm who has managed to acquire respect and power (New York and Frankfurt were on the line) however as the introduction continues the reader begins to see that under the surface he has a more childish side to him as he relishes receiving attention: making expansive remarks to a young writer was one of the more desirable perquisites to his profession. Even before his breakdown his youthful nature is evident for example choosing his political career is described as a parlour game. Darke is one of the characters that McEwan uses to present the major theme of childhood and adulthood, there is a constant conflict present within Darke of being a child and of being an adult. His successful political career shows that he must have debating skill and great intellect however at the same time his juvenile personality also breaks through. Having acted as a parental figure after the loss of Kate it is tragic that he should regress so rapidly away from reality. It is not only Darkes contrasting personality which warns the reader of what may occur later, he is obviously unsettled as shown by his rapid career moves and house move from Eaton Square to the countryside. Thelma also describes to Stephen how he lost his mother and had a cold upbringing with his father suggesting that Darke did not experience childhood at all. Charles Darke also jumped straight into being a successful and married businessman therefore missing out on important lessons that many adults learn through their mistakes. Just before the reader is introduced to Darke there is even a subtle echo of what will happen later as Stephen describes a picture: a grim-faced crow with a stethoscope round its neck taking the pulse of a pale young boy who appeared to have fallen out of a tree. Darke shows the reader a disquieting reaction to time because instead of moving forwards he moves backwards, the reader sees personal and sometimes eerie moments involving Darke, these help McEwan to show the reader what a precious state childhood is and how time cannot be manipulated. Darke also embodies the theme of politics. Not only does he move the political plot forward by getting Stephen onto the committee but he is also the reason that Stephen meets the Prime Minister. The novel was written during the Thatcherite era of the 80s and this is clearly reflected in the tone of the book and McEwans opposition to this right-wing rule. Stephen Lewis is cynical about the Conservative views that Darke has decided to take on and the short, abrupt syntax that McEwan uses emphasizes his suspicions of the government in power. It is a cruel irony that, like the Beggar Girl, Charles eventual death is a result of his political career and the harsh culture surrounding him. Different opinions can be taken on what Darkes specific role is within the novel. He clearly is important for McEwan to carve in the political aspect of the novel and McEwans own political views however his regression back into childhood carries a much more complicated message. The title of the book The Child in Time at first may seem to describe simply Stephens loss of Kate however one can go much deeper and find that perhaps what McEwan is trying to show the reader is Stephen and Darkes search for their own child in time. While Stephen searches constantly for the physical Kate he also looks for her in time through memories and visions of her growing up. Darkes search for the child in time is different, he has had no childhood of his own so he searches for it and eventually finds it by regressing into boyhood. On the surface McEwan presents this as a natural step but it is actually quite disturbing and this is shown by the smile on his face at death. The conflicts within Darke show the reader the bitter sweet nature of childhood, while Darke is happy and carefree he also believes himself invincible and this eventually causes his death. Charles Darke is also important for the readers understanding of Stephen Lewis. It is because of Darke that Stephen meets Thelma who is important as she looks after both of the characters and gives the reader another way to look at time. The reason that Thelma chooses Stephen as the one person who she allows to see Charles after his breakdown is because she knows that he will not judge or condemn and it is important for the reader to know this feature of his character. Stephen has experienced loss and thought endlessly about childhood and is therefore understanding about Darkes regression. The reader also learns about Stephen through the contrast of the characters. Darke becomes part of the right wing government while Stephen is saddened by the two tribes in the Supermarket. Stephen sees Charles Darkes death first hand and this may help him reach an understanding about his loss of Kate because he has to come face to face with the reality that she too maybe dead. The fact that Darke dies with a smile on his face may remind Stephen that if Kate is dead then she has at least died in a happy part of her life and has not yet lost her innocence. Darkes relationship with Thelma can also be contrasted with Stephens relationship with Julie. As the novel progresses Thelma becomes more and more of a mother figure to Darke and her older age implies that it has never been a marriage of passion and deep love but one of a mutual understanding, acceptance and care. In contrast to Darkes seemingly sexless marriage Julie and Stephen have a much more real and natural relationship where there high points and low points are kept private and by the end their genuine love for one another is clear. Darke offers McEwan the means to show the reader his themes of time, childhood and politics but he also has deeper significance. Darke shows the reader how childhood, or the lack of it, effects ones whole life and how reaching adulthood is a continuous process that may never end. The search for The Child in Time by Darke is an emotional and metaphorical journey that eventually liberates him from the stresses and pressures of his hectic work life even if it does ultimately cause his death.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Racial Struggle in America Essay -- Ethnicity Immigration Papers
Racial Struggle in America Yes East and West and North and South, the Palm and the pine, the pole and the equator, the crescent and the cross - how the great Alchemist melts and fuses them with his purging flame! Here shall they all unite to build the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God. (Rereading America 535) The myth of the melting pot, similarly to The American Dream [i] , brings a lot of immigrants to America hoping to find equality, freedom and opportunity. The promise of a new race in which individuals of all nations are melted into one, and whose labors would change the world, eludes people all over the globe. The drama of becoming an American requires that immigrants take on a new identity, because they want to become equally members of the community with all the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities that their fellow citizens have. The myth then falls flat on its face, because it lies when it says that all Americans are "created equal." The melting pot ideal has often masked the reality of racial supremacy, constantly reminding us of race [ii] when we feel our differences becoming signs of inferiority, and as inferiors we are treated as subhuman. Thomas Jefferson as third president of the United States (1801-1809) recommended that all emancipated slaves should be sent out of the state to form separate colonies, and to prevent racial conflict as well as intermarriage with whites. While he believed in the "Group Separatism" relation, which in "Models of American Ethnic Relations: A Historical Perspective" George M. Fredrickson explained as a self-governing community, President Ronald Regan declared himself "color blind" in matters of race. Neither a "group separatism," nor a "color-blind" socie... ...eading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2001. 598-609. Cose, Ellis. "Can a New Race Surmount Old Prejudices?"Rereading America. Eds. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2001. 635-646. Lindholm, William C. "Origins of the Old Order Amish." http://holycrosslivonia.org/amish/origin.htm [i]American Dream: the notion that anyone can succeed in America only through hard work. [ii]Race: population distinguished by genetic traits [iii] politics of identification: Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s term to define our capacity to identify with others regardless of their differences. "A Liberalism of Heart and Spine" [iv] model minority: Asian Americans were used as model minorities to other minorities to claim that the American Dream is alive.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
History of Holistic Health Essay
Holistic medicine is a system of alternate medicine, which is a total approach to life both in physical and spiritual terms. It does not focus on the specific illness or parts of the body suffering from illness, but rather visualizes the body as a whole and views body as more than the sum of the parts. It tries to attain a perfect harmony by fostering a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health (i. e. it focuses on the whole person and takes in to account how he or she interacts). When one part of the body is malfunctioning it disrupts all other parts of that person. This is comparable to the working of an automobile, if one part of the automobile engine malfunctions, it not only effects the working of the malfunctioning parts but causes wear and tear of the all the other related parts. The whole person, including all of the parts, is in constant interaction with the nature and the environment. In other words it was assumed that the body posses a natural tendency toward equilibrium, or homeostasis the maintenance, which is the key to good health. The aim of holistic healing is to achieve maximum body function, where individual body parts are functioning the way they should function. Therefore it is no longer the sole responsibility of the healer to bring good health otherwise puts great responsibilities on the patient to achieve the maximum possible health and well-being. Therefore holistic health is not a static process but an ongoing process. It is heavily depend on personal commitment to be moving toward the right end of the wellness continuum. Irrespective of their current status of health, any one can make marked improvement in the level of their well being by adopting the techniques of holistic health. Holistic medicine has its roots in several ancient healing traditions that stress healthy living and being in harmony with nature, originated in India and China about 5,000 years ago. The holistic healing practitioners propagated the idea of healthy way of living with nature. The great philosopher Socrates, who lived four centuries prior to Christ birth recognized this idea and has suggested that we should take body as a whole and not by part by part. Plato was another advocate of Holism advising doctors that they should respect the relationship between mind and body. And the ability of the body to heal itself and caution the doctors not to interfere with the process was emphasized by Hippocrates. Jan Christiaan Smuts coined the term holism in 1926 as a way of living a whole life and viewing the body as greater than the sum of their parts which has given us the more integrated concept of psychosomatic medicine known as holistic medicine. â€Å"Holistic†became more recognized through 1970s to the current time and has become one of the accepted methods of alternative medicine. While the application of the word holistic is comparatively recent, the opposing school of thought felt that the physician should actively intervene to conquer disease, much as a mechanic would fix a broken machine. This philosophical debate continued over the centuries, with neither side predominating until the scientific revolution of the 19th century. The discovery of effective antimicrobial agents by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch accomplished remarkable recoveries not previously possible. However, even during Pasteur’s time there were scientists who cautioned that the germ theory should be put in its proper context. Claude Bernard, a noted physiologist of the time stated, â€Å"Illnesses hover constantly about us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them. †Pasteur and Bernard debated this point over the years, and it is revealing to note that on his deathbed Pasteur is reported to have said, â€Å"Bernard is right. The germ is nothing; the terrain all. †While the holistic point of view acknowledges the importance of germs and disease, the primary focus is placed upon the resistance of the host. Interestingly, it was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that the principles of holistic medicine fell out of favor in Western societies, with the advent of major advances in what we now call allopathic medicine. Paradoxically, many discoveries of the twentieth century have only served to confirm many natural medicine theories. In many cases, researchers have set out to debunk holistic medicine, only to find that their research confirms it, as has been the case, for example, with many herbal remedies. When comparing holistic and allopathic, the definitions of health differ greatly in regard to the diagnosis and treatment of illness. However allopathic medicine is a system of medical practice that treats disease by the use of remedies that produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment and it is also called conventional medicine. People who use conventional medicine usually do not seek treatment until they become ill; there is little emphasis on preventive treatment. Because they believe the main causes of illness are considered to be pathogens-bacteria or viruses-or biochemical imbalances. Drugs, surgery, and radiation are scientific tests often used in diagnosis or in dealing with the problems. Holistic medicine, in the other hand, concentrate on preventing illness and maintaining health. Good health is seen as a balance of body systems – mental, emotional, and spiritual, as well as physical. All aspects of a person are seen as interrelated – a principle called holism, meaning â€Å"state of wholeness. †Any disharmony is thought to stress the body and perhaps lead to sickness. In the process of fighting disease a wide range of therapies is use as alternative medicine to bolster the body’s own defenses and restore balance. The best example illustrating this approach is the fact that ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were healthy, not if they became ill. Although allopathic medicine does not recognize that many physical symptoms have mental components (such as emotional stress which may lead to an ulcer or chronic headaches) its approach is generally to suppress the symptoms, both physical and psychological. While holistic method, views illness and disease, as an imbalance of the mind and body that is expressed on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of a person. Natural medicine, which follows holistic aproch, assesses the symptoms as a sign or reflection of a deeper instability within the person, and it tries to restore the physical and mental harmony that will then alleviate the symptoms. Knowing fully well that holistic medicine recognizes that the human body is highly equipped to resist disease and heal injuries. But when disease does occurs, or an injury occurs, the first instinct in holistic healing is to see what might be done to strengthen those natural resistance and healing agents so they can act against the disease more effectively. Results are not expected to occur overnight. But neither are they expected to occur at the expense of dangerous side effects.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lord of the Flies: Intelligence and Good vs. Evil
Good versus evil is a common concept used often in storytelling, writing, plays, movies, etc. the basic story line is commonly used and developed to mold different ideals, meanings, and lessons into different types of works. William Golding’s novel the Lord of the Flies falls into this category of works with the good versus evil story line. Boiling the novel down to its most basic state it is a story of a group of boys. They all start out in a state of innocence, then as they adjust to their new surroundings after being stranded on a deserted island with no adults; they chose whether or not they turn from their innocence.When the boys turn from their innocence they go from being good to evil, or as the interpretation of this novel is commonly perceived the boys go from being civilized boys to savages. It is in this sense that civilized and good can be used interchangeably for this interpretation, and the same for evil and savagery. Golding puts an interesting twist to this bas ic plot right in the beginning of the story. Golding takes the story from just a simple tale of good versus evil to good versus evil with competing ideas of intelligence.Right in the beginning of the novel we see these ideas of intelligence take form. As the story builds the differences in the types of intelligence grows and becomes more distinct. From there the competition of good versus evil begins. After their plane crashes the boys who were on the plane to escape the warfare in England are scattered on the island. Ralph, the first boy we are introduced to meets another boy named Piggy. â€Å"It’s a shell! I seen one like that before. On someone’s back wall. A conch he called it. He used to blow it and then his mum would come. It’s ever so valuable-â€Å"(15).With Piggy’s help Ralph uses the conch they found to call out to the other boys on the island. This is the first hint at the two types of intelligence. Piggy is already exhibiting signs of natur al intelligence. This type of intelligence is developed based on the sensory analysis of the surroundings. This intelligence is more advanced and enables Piggy to think in more civilized, advanced ways. He is immediately made fun of for his appearance and as the story progresses is mocked as a know-it-all. No one listens to Piggy, even though the conch and the meeting were his ideas no one realizes this, nor do they care.Once all the boys are gathered together there is a vote on who should be chief. A boy named Jack is introduced as the leader of the choir boys and he wants to be chief, but when put to a vote Ralph is elected. Ralph does give the choir to Jack and asks what they would like to be. Jack tells Ralph that he and his choir shall be the hunters. Ralph depicts more social intelligence. Ralph knows how to work a crowd, how to lead a group, and how to gain respect. â€Å"Everybody must stay round here and wait and not go away.Three of us- if we take more we’d get all mixed, and lose each other- three of us will go on an expedition and find out†(23-24). This act showed that Ralph was able to get the attention of the boys at any time and that the boys would actually listen to him. His ability to be able to accomplish this as quickly as he did really shows his true social intelligence. â€Å"If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire†(38). Ralph does show some natural intelligence as well, but not nearly as much as Piggy exhibits.Jack also shows a form of social intelligence. He is able to keep command over his choir and they listen to him no matter what. This shows that in the beginning of the story even though the boys are all different, have different types of intelligence, and have mixed feelings about the situation they are still united together as a whole. â€Å"All day I’ve been working with Simon. No one else. They’re off bathing, o r eating, or playing†(50). The boys begin to slack and begin to realize that there aren’t consequences or punishments for the wrongs they do.Jack and his group of hunters become obsessed with the idea of killing a pig, and are the only ones exempt from helping build shelters, though the other boys don’t really care enough about their orders to help build or gather food. It’s at this point in the novel where there are serious signs of cracks and issues with the order system the boys have put in place since being on the island. Jack is beginning to slip into a more savage state, and is using his social intelligence to bring other boys down with him. The improvised form of society that the boys have created is already starting to weaken and fall. Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood†(69). â€Å"Look! We’ve killed a pig-we stole up on them-we got into a circle-â€Å"(69). It is at this point in the novel where the group of hunters, th e boys who killed the pig, have turned from innocence. The kill they had obsessed over finally happened and they were proud of themselves for killing. The act of killing a living creature, something they never had done before, was the true turning point for them. There was no turning back from it; the hunters even painted their faces, this sense of wearing a mask, pretending to be someone else enabled them to kill. ‘But they’ll be painted! You know how it is. ’ Eric says. The others nodded. They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the concealing paint brought. ‘Well, we won’t be painted,’ said Ralph, ‘because we aren’t savages’†(Golding 172). Ralph is starting to understand that Jack and the group of boys who follow him are starting to turn to a more evil state. Ralph still tries to use his social intelligence and command over his boys so they don’t go over to Jack’s side. Within Jack’s group the obsession with hunting caused the boys to let the fire go out, and subsequently lose a chance at rescue.The hunters didn’t really seem to care about the fire; they were still overly hyped up about their kill, swearing that they would hunt again and bring back even more meat. As the boys become more and more content with letting go with the rules they get closer and closer to losing their sense of civilization completely. â€Å"‘If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued. ’â€Å" (Golding 92). As the boys start to fulfill their own wishes of hunting and playing they get sick of listening to Ralph and being controlled by the conch.They don’t want to do work; they just want to have fun. Jack rebels against Ralph and makes his own â€Å"tribe,†where he could be the leader and he would no longer be controlled by the conch. Evil starts to arise rapidly; the majority of the older boys side with Jack and abandon Ralph’s authority. After that Piggy, Sam and Eric are the older boys who remain with Ralph. As the night wears on, some of the â€Å"littleuns†sneak off to join Jack. This is truly the end of their makeshift society, it has completely failed.After the split of the group it appeared as though things could settle down, but Ralph and his boys find that it is nearly impossible to keep the rescue fire going. They need to ask the others for help but Jack’s boys are too afraid to help them. Jack had taken to using torturous and intimidation methods to keep control over his group. He wears a mask, like he did when he killed the first pig; this seems to allow Jack to give in completely to his â€Å"evil†savage side. It was while celebrating their savageness and reenacting the kill that they got carried away and got themselves overly worked up. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws†(Golding 153). The wickedness in all of the boys deludes them into mistaking Simon, the only truly â€Å"good†pure boy, as the beastie. Simon was considered to be the â€Å"pure†boy, the epitome of civilization and innocence. Jack and the other boys had completely given themselves over to their evil sides, giving in to their natural instincts and savagery.Social Intelligence and natural intelligence are both qualities that help a person to be successful in life. However, overall, society puts greater worth in social intelligence. The abilities to work with others, lead and motivate others, and inspire others make a person successful in life. Just like good and evil, social and n atural intelligence go hand in hand. One is not greater than the other, but like people believe good is better, people put more stock in social intelligence. In Lord of the Flies the boys put their trust in Ralph, but as time goes on, and rules begin to be broken, the less control Ralph seems to have.Social intelligence will only go so far, it can’t be natural instincts. Natural instincts are hidden behind the rules and expectations of society. When they begin to dwindle and those instincts become more prominent, that natural intelligence becomes important, it can be the intelligence or lack thereof that can make or break a situation. Without one, evil or good, natural intelligence or social intelligence, the other is not really known. Without evil how would we know what good is? If everyone was socially intelligent how would we know what natural intelligence is? The answer is we wouldn’t have a way of knowing.A person cannot know one without knowing of the other. Inte lligence and good and evil all work together, as seen in Golding’s novel. Jack possessed the same kind of social intelligence as Ralph, but when he gave in to evil his social intelligence the power it gave him over the other boys allowed Jack to change the atmosphere of the island and turn the boys away from goodness and civilization. Piggy had natural intelligence but because he lacked any real social intelligence he was shunned, mocked, and in the end killed for this. He came off as a know-it-all and a whiner; this annoyed the other boys and eventually led to his demise.The boys didn’t put any stock in natural intelligence; they put all their stock in social intelligence and natural instinct. Ralph, with Piggy’s help, was able to remain civilized and good. Though he lost his hold on the boys he still had his social intelligence, and even some natural intelligence of his own to rely on. When Ralph was in charge his positive outlook affected the boys as well, th ey were positive because he was positive. The struggle between good and evil does not just affect the person who’s battling it within themselves, it also affects those around them, and subsequently can change them too. ?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Character Essay on Emma by Jane Austen
Character Essay on Emma by Jane Austen Introduction Emma by Jane Austen is a masterpiece exploring dangers of misconceived romance. The main character is Emma Woodhouse, a beautiful, ingenious, moneyed young woman (Aiken para. 2). The story opens with Emma attending a wedding of Miss Taylor after which she introduces Mr. Weston; her suitor to Miss Taylor. At this point, the issue of Emma’s overestimation regarding her matchmaking skills comes out clearly.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Character Essay on Emma by Jane Austen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though, Mr. Knightley advises her strongly, she statically sticks to her ego and moves on with her new pursuit; she matches Harriet Smith, her new friend, to Mr. Elton. Disregarding the dangers of meddling with other people’s affairs, Emma thinks that Mr. Elton is interested in Harriet and she has to do everything to make sure that Harriet rejects a marriage proposal from Mr. Martin (Austen-Leigh 69). To Emma’s triumph, Harriet rejects Mr. Martin’s proposal. There is no point Emma is letting go of her beliefs, and what is right to her; it is right to others. Emma’s Character Static and somewhat uncreative; Emma is not prepared to adapt to change or compromise her principles for the sake of others (Millar and Machichan 56). For instance, even though her neighbour Mr. Knightly warns her of her ‘meddling’ behavior, she doe not take heed. She blandishes herself that she is the person behind the matching of Miss Taylor and Mr. Weston. She goes to meddle with Harriet’s affairs who gives in to her advances. She says to Harriet, â€Å"I lay it down as a general rule, Harriet, that if a woman doubts as to whether she should accept a man or not, she certainly ought to refuse him. If she can hesitate as to Yes, she ought to say No directly' (Austen 47). This is a true depiction of her static nature. She lays down rules and everyon e has to follow them. Her static nature comes out clearly through the description that the author gives her, She did not always feel so absolutely satisfied with herself, so entirely convinced that her opinions were right and her adversarys wrong, as Mr. Knightley (Austen 23). If Emma were creative and dynamic, she would at least understand other people and let them do things their way. The static nature blinds Emma from appreciating that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and it does not have to be right always. Her static nature is fostered further by her insensitivity, which comes out clearly in the character of this young woman. Apart from meddling with other people’s affairs, she asserts, â€Å"I have no faith in Mrs. Eltons acknowledging herself the inferior in thought, word, or deed; or in her being under any restraint beyond her own scanty rule of good breeding. I cannot imagine that she will not be continually insulting her visitor with praise, encouragement , and offers of service; that she will not be continually detailing her magnificent intentions from the procuring her a permanent situation to the including her in those delightful exploring parties which are to take place in the barouche-landau†(Austen 264).Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She does not seem to care about other people’s feelings. To her, it does not matter if Harriet is in love with Mr. Martin; she has to marry Mr. Elton (SparkNotes Editors para. 6). This has to happen for Emma to get the credit of matchmaking the relationship. To affirm her insensitivity she says, â€Å"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way†(Austen 36). This may be true; however, people have to have their way in doing what they do. This character stems from the fact that Emma is not exposed to the real world w here not everything works for the good of somebody. Dynamism would come along with sensitive and caring nature. Dynamism makes one realize that other people have feelings that calls for respect. Lack of dynamism still comes out in the way jealousy and immaturity stands in Emma’s character. For instance, after Emma realizes how successful Jane is in music world, she envies this talent and consequently hates her. Her immature and static nature of meddling with other people’s issues leads her to speculate and conclude that Jane is in love with Dixon. The reader thinks that Emma would change her behavior as she grows up; unfortunately, she is not set to accept dynamism and accept people the way they are, more so accepting the way she is. Instead of taking time to evaluate herself and know what she wants, she falls in love with Frank because everyone else thinks that theirs is a perfect couple (DailyLit para. 5). Because of her static nature and inability to make mature dec isions, she only loves Knightly after realizing that he likes Harriet. It darted through her with the speed of an arrow that Mr. Knightley must marry no one but herself†(Austen 375). Conclusion Emma by Jane Austen is an interesting story of how misunderstood love may turn out to be. Due to misconceptions about love, coupled with insensitivity and static mindset, Emma does not seem to understand other people. Hers is a selfish ambition of a perfect matchmaker. However, she fails utterly in matchmaking relationships that never came to be. If only Emma were dynamic, she would have realized that this life does not depend entirely on ones opinions; it is wise to listen; heed advice and change with changing times; that is, be dynamic. Aiken, Lorraine. â€Å"Emma.†2009. Web. https://www.reviewstream.com/reviews/?p=951.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Character Essay on Emma by Jane Austen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More Austen, Jane. â€Å"Emma.†Banes and Noble classics: New York, 2001. Austen-Leigh, Edward. â€Å"A Memoir of Jane Austen.†1926. Ed. R. W. Chapman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1967. DailyLit. â€Å"Emma.†2009. Web. https://dailylit.com/book/137-emma. Millar, Martin and Mackichan, Doon. â€Å"Jane Austens Emma.†2001. Web. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Emma.†SparkNotes LLC. 2003. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
History of Yugoslavia - Overview
History of Yugoslavia - Overview Location of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia was located in the Balkan region of Europe, to the east of Italy. The Origins of Yugoslavia There have been three federations of Balkan nations called Yugoslavia. The first originated in the aftermath of the Balkan Wars and World War One. At the end of the nineteenth century, the two empires which previously dominated the region – Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans – began to undergo changes and retreats respectively, sparking discussion among intellectuals and political leaders about the creation of a united South Slav nation. The question of who would dominate this was a matter of contention, be it a Greater Serbia or a Greater Croatia. The origins of Yugoslavia may partly lay in the Illyrian Movement of the mid-nineteenth century. As World War I raged in 1914, the Yugoslav Committee was formed in Rome by Balkan exiles in order to come up with and agitate for a solution to a key question: what states would be created if the Allies of Britain, France and Serbia managed to defeat the Austro-Hungarians, especially as Serbia looked on the verge of destruction. In 1915 the committee moved to London, where it had an effect on allied politicians far greater than its size. Although funded by Serbian money, the committee – comprised mainly of Slovenes and Croats – was against a Greater Serbia, and argued for an equal union, although they conceded that as Serbia was the state which did exist, and which had the apparatus for government, the new South Slav state would have to coalesce around it. In 1917, a rival South Slav group formed from deputies in the Austro-Hungarian government, who argued for a union of Croats, Slovenes, and Serbs in a newly reworked, and federated, Austrian led empire. The Serbs and the Yugoslav Committee then went further, signing an agreement to push for the creation of an independent Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes under the Serb kings, including land currently in Austria-Hungary. As the latter collapsed under the pressures of war, A National Council of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was declared to rule Austria-Hungary’s former Slavs, and this pushed for a union with Serbia. This decision was taken in no small part to rid the area of marauding bands of Italians, deserters and Habsburg troops. The Allies agreed to the creation of a combined South Slav state and basically told the rival groups to form one. Negotiations followed, in which the National Council gave in to Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee, allowing Prince Aleksander to declare the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes on December 1st, 1918. At this point, the devastated and disjointed region was only held together by the army, and bitter rivalry had to be damped down before borders were set, a new government was formed in 1921, and a new constitution was voted in (although the latter only just occurred after many deputies walked out in opposition.) In addition, in 1919 the Communist party of Yugoslavia formed, which received a large number of votes, refused to join the chamber, committed assassinations and got itself banned. The First Kingdom Ten years of political infighting between the many different parties followed, largely because the kingdom was dominated by Serbs, who had expanded their governing structures to run it, rather than by anything new. Consequently, King Aleksander I shut the parliament and created a royal dictatorship. He renamed the country Yugoslavia, (literally ‘Land of the South Slavs’) and created new regional divisions to try and negate the growing nationalist rivalries. Alexander was assassinated on October 9th, 1934 while visiting Paris, by an Ustasha affiliate. This left Yugoslavia governed by a regency for the eleven-year-old Crown Prince Petar. War and the Second Yugoslavia This first Yugoslavia lasted until the Second World War when Axis forces invaded in 1941. The Regency had been moving closer to Hitler, but an anti-Nazi coup brought the government down and the wrath of Germany onto them. War ensued, but not one as simple as pro-Axis versus anti-Axis, as communist, nationalist, royalist, fascist and other factions all fought in what was effectively a civil war. The three key groups were the fascist Utsasha, the royalist Chetniks and the communist Partisans. As the Second World War was concluded it was the Partisans lead by Tito – backed at the end by Red Army units - who emerged in control, and a second Yugoslavia was formed: this was a federation of six republics, each supposedly equal – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro - as well as two autonomous provinces within Serbia: Kosovo and Vojvodina. Once the war was won, mass executions and purges targeted collaborators and enemy fighters. Tito’s state was initially highly centralized and allied to the USSR, and Tito and Stalin argued, but the former survived and forged his own path, devolving power and gaining assistance from western powers. He was, if not universally regarded, then at least for a time admired for the way Yugoslavia was progressing, but it was Western aid – designed to keep him away from Russia – that probably saved the country. The political history of the Second Yugoslavia is basically a struggle between the centralized government and the demands for devolved powers for the member units, a balancing act that produced three constitutions and multiple changes over the period. By the time of Tito’s death, Yugoslavia was essentially hollow, with deep economic problems and barely concealed nationalisms, all held together by the cult of Tito’s personality and the party. Yugoslavia may well have collapsed under him had he lived. War and the Third Yugoslavia Throughout his rule, Tito had to tie the federation together against growing nationalism. After his death, these forces began to increase rapidly and tore Yugoslavia apart. As Slobodan Milosevic took control first of Serbia and then the collapsing Yugoslavia’s military, dreaming of a Greater Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence to escape him. Yugoslav and Serbian military attacks in Slovenia failed quickly, but the war was more protracted in Croatia, and longer still in Bosnia after it also declared independence. The bloody wars, filled with ethnic cleansing, were mostly over by the end of 1995, leaving Serbia and Montenegro as a rump Yugoslavia. There was war again in 1999 as Kosovo agitated for independence, and a change in leadership in 2000, when Milosevic was finally removed from power, saw Yugoslavia gain wider international acceptance again. With Europe afraid that a Montenegrin push for independence would cause a new war, leaders produced a new federation plan, resulting in the dissolution of what remained of Yugoslavia and the creation of ‘Serbia and Montenegro’. The country had ceased to exist. Key People from the History of Yugoslavia King Alexander / Aleksander I 1888 - 1934Born to the King of Serbia, Alexander lived some of his youth in exile before leading Serbia as regent during World War 1. He was key in declaring the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, becoming king in 1921. However, years of frustration at the political infighting made him declare a dictatorship in early 1929, creating Yugoslavia. He tried to bind the disparate groups in his country together but was assassinated while visiting France in 1934. Josip Broz Tito 1892 – 1980Tito led the communist partisans fighting in Yugoslavia during World War 2 and emerged as the leader of the new second Yugoslavian federation. He held the country together and was notable for differing markedly with the USSR, which dominated the other communist nations of Eastern Europe. After his death, nationalism tore Yugoslavia apart.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Chinese Fashion Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Chinese Fashion Industry - Essay Example The essay "Chinese Fashion Industry" talks about International Fashion Magazines and their Social Power in China. The government censors the media heavily, with foreign materials and literature screened thoroughly before they are consumed by the Chinese. This not withstanding, the media of the people’s republic of china is one of the vibrant one around the world. Due to the fact that the government no longer subsidizes the state media houses, they have been affected by a shortage of fund (Evans, 2004). This means that they cannot function fully. This has given them a motivation to move away from being the government mouth pieces to produce items that can be consumed by the public. This has meant even going overboard and starting to import foreign programs to broadcast to the local audience. However, the foreign content is still tightly censored by the government. This phenomenon can be found both in print and electronic media. The number of newspapers and magazines circulating in the country has more than tripled in the last three decades. In 2004, the number of magazines circulating in china was approximately 9700. More than a quarter of these titles were commercial magazines. It is a fact that the government has relaxed its regulation on both local and foreign literature, albeit at a small measure. This, coupled with the increased wealth of the Chinese citizens, has attracted a lot of foreign media. The twenty first century has seen an influx of international and foreign media in this country. This includes print media and electronic media. The people of china can now watch foreign program, albeit loosely censored, via the pay channels. They are able now to read publications from the international media houses like the New York Times. Foreign fashion magazines have not been left behind (Xing, 2009). A lot of fashion magazines are now available to Chinese people from foreign publishers. The September of the year 2005 saw such one magazine been launched in china. Conde Nast, the publishers of best selling fashion magazines, launched a local version of one of their best selling magazine. This was Vogue, which they labelled Vogue China (Gareth, 2008). The magazine had some local content with a dash of foreign fashion literature. The first issue was a thick, 430 pages of fashion (Gareth, 2008). It sold very first. In fact, the first 300,000 copies were literally scrambled for by the local fashionistas. The cover model was Australian Gemma Ward. But there was also a dash of local models like Wang Wenqin, Tong Chenjie among others (Miss Zhang, personal communication, 2008). This was the case with other foreign magazines that were making their debut in the Chinese market. However, this success was short lived. Three years down the line, vogue china seems to have grounded to a halt as far as influencing the Chinese fashion culture is concerned (Xing, 2009). It has been left for the few people in the society who are in the elite segment and who have western and foreign orientations. Vogue china can be described as having failed on its mission to change the Chinese. However, local fashion magazines have succeeded in these areas that high end and foreign magazines have failed. The above scenario is not restricted to Vogue China only. Others international magazines which had enjoyed some measure of success after their launching have fizzled out (Latham, 2007). This paper will look at the reason why this is so. Could it be the change in consumer taste, competition or other factors which have led to this scenario The writer, having been an intern at Vogue China offices,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analytic source review and evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analytic source review and evaluation - Essay Example The methodical studies conducted over the last decades regarding the addiction of drugs among the young people, revealed that after a certain period an individual cannot afford the price and gradually gets involved in criminal activities to increase their affordability. In majority instances, such consequences were found to be led by the negligence of parents, guardians or the other members of the society towards the young people. These activities not only hinder the healthy growth of the society, but also restrict social progress in terms of economic divergences, education prospects and governance systems. The objective of the paper will thereby be focused on analysing and evaluating the criminal activities associated with illegal drugs as well as sexual assaults in the modern day context. Discussion Illicit Drugs Illicit drugs habit is often regarded as the major cause of interpersonal violence as well as public health challenges in the modern society. With this concern, the Nation al Drug Intelligence Centre (NDIC) along with many other non-profit organizations have taken initiative and organized a yearly National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) that tends to assess the impact of threats related to illicit drug related crimes on the society as well as on the nation at large. Recent reports in this regard revealed that the total cost incurred in relation to illicit drug use was approximated in excess of $193 billion in the year 2007. The cost was estimated focusing on three major principal areas i.e. crime, health and aggregate productivity of the state or region. The component of crime cost is fundamentally based on three major factors that include criminal justice system costs, crime victim costs as well as other crime costs. In addition, health related issues and costs include four major components i.e. emergency departmental costs in the hospitals for homicide and non-homicide cases, speciality treatment and medicine costs, insurance administration costs and other health related costs. Nonetheless, the productivity costs and issues are also associated with some direct and indirect components such as labour participation costs, pre-mature mortality costs and the costs incurred due to harm of education as well as lack of societal growth (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011). When considering the global trend, people addicted by illegal drugs and related crimes in England and Wales were reported to constitute around three million adults in the year 2011-2012. This proportionate was further affirmed to account for around 8.9% of the total population in England. Another significant attribute of the trend exhibited that in majority cases, the offenders were young where minors aged 16 years to old aged people of 59 years were also identified involved in such crimes (The Independent, 2012). According to the research study of Payne-James & et. al. (2005), it was found that the drug addiction is especially notices among the unemployed persons. Cons equentially, 80% drug habituates have been reported to be spending their life suffering from several mental as well as physical health issues. At the onset, mental and financial problems can be identified as the main causes of such offences which might be caused due to social complexities or monetary troubles often faced by young generation people (Payne-James & et. al., 2005). Besides, as exhibited by Payne-James & et.
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