Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Compare and contrast men and women in taking responsibilities Essay
Compare and contrast men and women in taking responsibilities - Essay Example As the report declares as adults men and women take up several responsibilities such as family responsibility, parental care, caring for the elder people, working towards the financial security, and above all the job responsibilities. Men and women have different outlook towards these responsibilities and handle them differently. This report stresses that while men compete for powerful positions, women are concerned with developing personal relationships and helping others. Men value gaining status by following "the rules," i.e. achievement over attachment. Where as women value being sensitive and maintaining good relationships, i.e. they give preference to attachment over achievement. Men are considered to be physically stronger than women. As a result, the physical duties of a household always seem to be a job for the man of the house. Parental care is one of the most important issues concerning the society today. In general it can be seen that men take active role in parenting by providing for more of the physical needs of the child rather than the emotional needs, such as providing good education, materialistic needs etc. Men's commitment to their children is a key to the quality of family life and the prospects of the next generation. Women play an active role in providing for the emotional need of the c hild and less towards their physical and materialistic needs. For instance, they take active role in teaching children, looking into their personal hygiene, feeding them with good nutritious food etc.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Has Globalisation Affected Employment Education And Culture Commerce Essay
Has Globalisation Affected Employment Education And Culture Commerce Essay Globalization is the procedure of rapid incorporation of different countries that is occurring in the process of better foreign trade and foreign investment. Globalization has certainly minimized the distance between different countries and has turned the entire world into one single market place. Due to globalization the government of several nations have eased up the trade and sanctioned additional flexibility in their trade procedure to offer equal opportunities to MNCs in their domestic market. The Indian government also had to do the same due to the pressure from the WTO (World Trade Organisation). As a result of this, the Indian market got numerous opportunities and was also introduced to many new technologies and new foreign products. Also the Indian resources were made available to other countries. India being a developing country it was inexpensive for the MNCs to set up in the Indian market. The Indian economy did benefit enormously due to the introduction of these multinat ionals in the Indian market which in turn led to increase in the literacy rate and better educational opportunities for the Indian youth. This was because the new companies were demanding for the high-quality skilled workers. The introduction of the MNCs also affected the Indian corporate as well as the social culture. Globalization affected Indian system start from the basic facilities in both positive and negative manner. Government has initiated quite a few developmental programs for encouraging the living standard of people. Further we will discuss the effects of globalisation on the education system, employment and culture of India. Introduction Globalization is the most popular word nowadays. It has different meaning depending on the context and the situation. Globalization has been defined differently by different people. Guy Brain bant: says that the process of globalisation not only includes opening up of world trade, development of advanced means of communication, internationalisation of financial markets, growing importance of MNCs, population migrations and more generally increased mobility of persons, goods, capital, data and ideas but also infections, diseases and pollution. Globalization can be defined as the process which involves exchange of political, economical and social system through technological advancement. It has undoubtedly converted the whole world into one solitary marketplace which in turn has resulted in global interconnectedness. Globalisation has increased the business across different countries. Geographical distance is no longer a barrier for the international trading with the existence of World Wide Web (WWW in simple words Internet). People have benefited a lot from these agreements. The international business agreements not only makes the various resources available internationally but also have improved the social relationships between the countries. This has also given an exposure of across culture to the whole world, which is today a very important aspect in international business. Globalization is the key factor of any developing country which will help increasing the growth in economy and income per capita resulting in bette r standard of living. As mentioned above globalisation has affected the whole world in nearly every aspect of life. India is no exception; it has been incredibly affected by Globalization in different ways. Globalisation introduced the whole world to the new era of computers and advancement in technologies. It has affected the cultural phase of people diversely. Many of the countries have welcomed the new broadminded thoughts of culture influenced by globalisation. It has led to an increase in exchange of ideas such as music, religion, food and traditions of every culture. Even the younger generation have been affected by the new educational system. It has amplified the spread of the trendy culture from the developed nations throughout the world. Many of the developing countries have been overflowing with the goods from Northern developed countries. For example, we can find huge banners of cold drink advertisements in the areas where there is hard to find drinking water. As a result people had to manipula te their life style according to the new era. This essay further will explore the concept of globalization and its effects on education, employment and culture with specific reference to India. History of Globalization During the Pre-World War I period of 1870 to 1914, the chronological process of globalization with outgoing tide and surge has rapid incorporation of import and export flow, movement of capital and relocation of people. The two forces of hi-tech: transportation and communication are the main reasons for the growth of globalization as there is less restriction to flow of trade and across the geological borders. No passports and visa were required and also there were very few taxes on import and export and limits to fund flows. The speed of globalization has also lost its pace between the first and second world war. The formation of different wall to limit the free movement of trade was observed during the inter-war period and most of the countries considered that they could boom with this protective wall. All the countries determine after the World War II, that not to do again the mistakes by going for remoteness. The drive to increase the incorporation was increased after 1945, however it took long t reach the same level as Pre-World War I. US was able to reach the same level of Pre-World War only Even though after 1945, there was a force to increased incorporation, and it took a long time to reach the Pre-World War I level. Only around 1970, percentage of import and export to the total output of US reached the level of Pre-World War I. Import surrogate Industrialization system was practises by most of the Independent developing countries in the Post World War II and also the Soviet countries were protected from practice of international economic incorporation. Conversely times have changed, with the dynamic progress in the globalization practices; the soviet bloc countries are also getting built-in with the international market. To a greater extent nations are heading towards becoming conversant with policy of growth. However, according to studies, trade and capital markets were more globalize in 19th century than today, yet, compare to 19th century there are more apprehensions because of the nature and pace of revolution. In this current scenario its not only the rapid pace that is remarkable but also the various effects of IT on market assimilation, efficacy and industrialisation. Effects of globalization Globalisation has affected a variety of aspects of the world economy both in encouraging and discouraging manner. As rightly said, Every coins has two sides, Globalization also has Positive and negative effects. Globalization has offered higher standards of living to the people all around the world as compared to the pre-globalization period. It has affected almost every aspect of human life. This evolution was not only bringing people together but also it brought vast range of cultures and foreign ideas worldwide. This whole world is now become a huge market with freedom of exchange of goods and capital. This also resulted in increasing level of competition which is one of the most widespread positive effects. International trading and business have given huge amount of opportunities to the people to move around the world getting an exposure of the corporate and traditional cultures worldwide. A lot of multinational companies established their business in developing countries like India which turned out to a boon for these developing countries giving a prospect to the emerging talent of these countries which would have been wasted due to lack of exposure to these opportunities. This has ini tiated implementation of foreign ideas and new technologies from all around the world. Without globalization, it would not have been possible for the whole world to get acquainted with the innovative creations taking place in every part of this huge world. These new inventions would have stayed unknown giving no benefits to any other country except where it was invented. A good illustration is the benefits of Ayurveda and Yoga from India which is today enormously benefiting the people across the world. International travel and tourism has also been improved to a greater extend as compared in the last few decades. Individuals migrating from one country to other as students or skilled workers is also increased to a higher extend, which has in turn increased the demand of international import and export of products and services for the use of local consumers. Due to increasing international trade free trade zones were formed with less or no tariffs. A lot of other associations have bee n introduced to look after the issues like international trade, crime and justice, access to international finance and banking facilities, etc. Many of the non- government organisations have also been introduced to resolve the cross-boundary global environmental concerns like pollution and other climatic changes. Sports is not an exception, there has been an increase in demand for international sports events such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, etc. Thus, Globalization has resulted in a very compact world wherein its just a matter of few clicks to exchange the information or make any kind of transactions irrespective of the geographical distance between the countries and remote locations. Globalisation does have a lot of positives but at the same time it also has negative effects, some of them are listed below. Today many companies from the developed nations have started outsourcing both industrialized and executive jobs to the developing nations like China and India because of cheap set up expenses and low-priced labour. As a result people in these developed countries are losing their jobs and are facing problems to earn their bread and butter due to the diminishing number job opportunities. Sometime back people had job security with a stable and permanent job, but today people are living with a continuous fear of losing their job anytime or reduction in the wages due to such cut throat competition. Even a permanent employee cannot bank on its own company for job security. These kinds of issues result in lower living standard and higher crime rate in the affected areas. Another issue is exploitation of people in prisons and youngsters, who are made to work in ruthless conditions for the production of inexpensive goods without any safety standards and absolutely no botheration about the pol lution regulation. Technical advancements like mobiles, internet etc brought a massive revolution, but at the same time it has increased the threats due to terrorism. Terrorists use these services as their mode of communication and get connected in the remotest of the areas. Also any opponent country can spread any kind of misinformation through the internet services. People are also facing health inconvenience in the remotest area of the globe due to spread of fatal diseases like HIV/AIDS that are being spread by travellers and tourists. Some other negative effects also include the introduction of foreign culture which in turn has affected the local culture of the new generations via internet and televisions. Many of the local companies are getting conquered by the overseas multinationals and losing on their business. Since these multinationals cover the major market, they have also started manipulating the local political decisions. Food industry is not any different, the international fast food chai ns like McDonalds and KFC are taking away the business from the local fast food providers resulting in increasing number of outlets in the developing nations. Due to wide range of fast food availability people consume more and more junk food resulting in adverse health issues. Globalisation benefits are not worldwide because, the rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Effect of globalization on education, employment and culture of India. Effects of globalization on Education in India Globalisation brought a rapid growth in the education system of the whole economy worldwide. This process of globalization has affected the education and human potential. Indian education system has also made huge progress in terms of the increasing primary education and expanding the literacy to more than a half of the population. Also there has been a massive progress in the number of education institutions in India after the globalisation period. Globalisation has changed the learning system in the whole world resulting in the development of exchange of ideas, values and knowledge. One of the most influential positive effects of globalization on the young generations of India is the increasing level of higher education system. However, another major development is the increasing level of literacy rate of Indian girls especially. During the pre-globalization period the girls in the Indian culture were not allowed to study or take their career seriously but post-globalisation period is a boon to the Indian women as the literacy rate of the female population has increased tremendously. Globalisation combines economic and cultural change in todays time. On one hand globalisation created the huge market places worldwide that trade internationally, deal with foreign exchange, foreign investments and cross border mobility of production. Whereas on the other hand it still relies on the old communication system, information, knowledge and culture. All these changes implicate the higher education. Research and education are the two essentials to form the global surroundings, being able to discover new facts, learning to maintain international relationships and complex societies. Many of the research universities today are thoroughly linked within and with the metro cities, as these cities have huge number of students enrolled for the higher education. There is sturdy positive connection between the higher education enrolment ratio and the global cut-throat performance. With the increasing economic demand for trained and highly experienced workers the demand of higher education is also on a hike in the many of the developing countries. The re are three factors which are usually suggested as possible candidates. The first is openness to trade and the second is scientific progress and the related organisational change. The third is based on institutional factors such as the existence of unions. Increased openness to trade raises the requirement for expert workers leading to the rise in their wages as compared to the wages of the unskilled works. Globalization has resulted in easy access to any educational facility for the students all over India as well as internationally. The internationalisation of higher education can be correlated to many internal and external changes in the International market, which has in turn increase the demand for more knowledgeable and accomplished workers. The demand is also increased for people who know more than one language and are aware of the transnational ethnicity and business methods. This gives a chance to the people to gain knowledge from one country and spread it to their home country for its betterment. Education is becoming more precious to individuals as it offers enhanced employment opportunities, which in turn leads to an improved lifestyle, power and status. With the launch of MNCs came along the era of BPOs and KPOs. In the last few years the there has been an incredible development of call centres in India leading to considerable development in the socio-economic and culture o f the Indian society. Outsourcing industry have impacted the Indian youth in every aspect ranging from their lifestyle, personality, career, attitude, gender, and language to their whole identity. The younger generation becomes financially independent due to the excellent incentives and perks offered by the call centre industry. This has helped in mounting the confidence level of the youth and also helps them to take up the responsibility of their families. Some of the call centres like Wipro Spectramind have their tie- up with BITS Pilani and the Symbiosis Institute of Management to provide the distance learning programs for the employees, which is an excellent learning opportunity for the employees. Also some of the companies like ICICI OneSource promises scholarships to the call centre agents who get enrolled in this distance learning programs. With so many advantages this industry also has a few disadvantages. Since the fresh graduates get an opportunity to start working at a ve ry early age they tend to avoid higher studies after a bachelors degree which is the minimum criterion for the call centres positions. This is because they get paid anywhere between Rs 10,000-15,000 exclusive of the extra incentives and the perks, which is a good amount of money to start up the career. This leads to stagnant educational growth of the Indian youth. These were some of the effects of globalization on the Indian education system. Effects of globalization on employment in India Now we will see how globalization affects the employment opportunities in India. Globalization was experienced in India in early 1990s when the open market policy was initiated. Globalisation led to growth in various segments of the market such as Information technology, health care and so on. This led to favourable growth of the Indian economy leading to increasing demand for the good quality workforce. There was increase in the international trade between Indian and other developed nations. This resulted in improved employment opportunities in the country. Due to the effective impact on the Indian economy there has been an improvement in the living standard of the people. Globalization has developed various sectors in India leading to an increase in the employment opportunities for the people. The service industries are doing well with a share of around 54% of the yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which shows that the service industries are doing very well in the market. There h as been a range of advantageous effects of globalization in Indian Industry. The increase in the international trade brought in enormous amount of foreign investments which boosted the Indian economy to a very great extends. Many multinational companies set up their businesses in the Indian market especially in the industries like BPO, pharmaceutical, petroleum, and manufacturing industries resulting in the increased number of employment opportunities for many people in the country. This decreased the level of unemployment and poverty in the country. The establishment of these foreign companies introduced highly advanced technology which resulted in technically advanced Indian industry. On the other hand this highly advanced Indian market result in an aggressive competition between the domestic and the foreign companies. The domestic companies in the industries like pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing, and cement suffered huge losses as the consumers preferred to opt for the for eign products. Many labour class people in these industries lost their jobs due to the losses suffered by their employers. The Indian industry has faced both positive and negative effects as a result of globalization. So the Indian government should now compose such economics polices that are beneficial to the Indian economy. Effect of Globalization on Indian culture Before addressing the effects of globalization on culture, it is important to mention that culture is such a wide theory that it challenges portrayal in a compressed form. Various Characteristics of a society is covered in detail to list comprehensively by culture. Even though we have reasonable knowledge about what culture is. Culture is something that forms our individuality and has a lasting impression on our perception. Different individual have defined culture in different ways. And this is because of the differences in the point of references of the people of culture. Ekhe (1998) defines culture, as construct applied in an endeavour to study and put together procedures and thoughts in broad variety of vicinity of the world. Culture is something that forms our individuality and has a lasting impression on our perception. Every culture is different from each other and so is every human. Culture is like rainbow filled with many colours of cultural mixture. Culture is not something that one can have with birth; it is learned and not hereditary. According to Jekayinfa (2002), Culture consists of the total range of human action which is in a social context passed on from one generation to other. In other words; it is a process of inclusion through conscious teaching or from the social surroundings. Cultural Globalization is the rapid pass through of facts, stance and morals crosswise countrywide precincts, leading interrelation and communication among peoples of different cultures and life style. Each and every kind of dimensions of the culture is taken in to account in the present aspect of imperialist/ industrialist globalization. Globalization of material exchanges implicated in trade and industry relations has been prove by the impact of rising observable fact of labour movement, financial, and product trading, the importance of buying and selling authoritarian contracts, the worldwide splitting up of labour, and bodies such as WTO, IMF and world Bank. Globalization has made possible for the developing countries to connect into T.V Programme, videos, music, news and so forth of the highly developed nations. India being one of them has not only gained economic opportunities from globalization but also acquires new products and technologies. Despite system of government, lack of infrastructure and an uncertain policy outline that has a negatively impact the operations of MNCs in India, MNCs are looking at India with great expectations and are investing huge amount to put up their RD hub in the country. India has gone ahead of other developing countries for Information technology, research development investments and outsourcing. Today, with the rapid advance of globalization throughout the world, more or less impact on social and cultural values can also be observed, India begin one of them is also been effected. The new information and communication technologies that has vastly expanded has also made possible for the poorest people to know different cultural richness. The easy access to cable television and foreign movies has helped to demolish the cultural boundaries. All these technologies have not only changed the perception of the people but also helped people to think beyond their imagination. This has opened employment prospects for women, who are becoming a larger part of the workforce that in turn has put a damper on inequality among the sexes, something that Indian women have been struggling with their entire lives. Globalization has influenced the traditional views towards women so they can take an equal position in Indian society. As compared to earlier old-fashioned idea people have become more due to introduction to other cultures through cable network. Now a days bachelor boy and girl sharing same accommodation and stay away from home have become more common in India. This has had its own social and cultural impact. More availability of cheap and dirty stuff (CDs or DVDs of Hollywood movies, Adult movies, foreign channels) in the name of liberalization has negatively affected the young crowd of India. There has been increase in the violence and also the number of rape cases has increased than before. Globalization has made possible for people to achieve better awareness and understanding of diverse fashion trial, life style, things in a foreign country and at home. Not only Multiplex theatres have become known but also restaurant like McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food has well like by the people. However it has not replaced the Indian traditional food like Parathas and other road side fast food. With Scie ntific advancement and hi-tech improvement life in urban and rural area have become reasonably relaxing, speedy and pleasant. Some years back in India even land-line was a status icon whereas, now each every person has a mobile in hand, listening to music or talking. As per the certain previous incidents it is become evident that if a particular countries culture is outlined over a long historical time period, it can suppress over a period of time. But the Indian culture has proved to be strong enough to hold back its vital Indian personality with exceptional stability, despite of the several overseas attacks and a huge growth in population.
Friday, October 25, 2019
What Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays
What Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper     "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1890 and eventually published in 1892 in the New England Magazine and in William Dean Howells' collection, Great Modern American Stories (Shumaker 94). The story was original not only because of its subject matter, but also because it is written in the form of a loosely connected journal. It follows the narrator's private thoughts which become increasingly more confusing. The structure consists of disjointed sentences as the narrator gradually descends more and more into her madness as her only escape from an oppressive husband and society.  In "The Yellow Wallpaper" the narrator is a young woman who has moved into a strange old mansion with her psychiatrist husband. She is confined to her room as part of her treatment for a nervous breakdown. Isolated and forbidden to express herself creatively, she becomes obsessed with the garish yellow wallpaper. She becomes convinced there are women trapped behind the hideous pattern and eventually becomes lost in her delusions trying to free them (Gilman 1-15).  Charlotte Perkins Gilman originally sent her story to William Dean Howells who showed it to Atlantic Monthly editor Horace Scudder who sent it back to Gilman unpublished, saying, "I could not forgive myself if I made others as miserable as I made myself' (Shumaker 194). When Howells published the story in his own collection he described it as, "terrible and too wholly dire . . . too terribly good to be published" (Shoemaker 194). "The Yellow Wallpaper" hit a nerve with nineteenth-century readers as it went beyond a horror story and presented a damning portrait of the damaging role o... ...w Wallpaper." "The Yellow Wallpaper" and other Stories. New York: Dover Publications, 1997. 1-15.  Hedges, Elaine R. Afterword. The Yellow Wallpaper. 1973: 37-63. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism 9. Detroit: Gale: 1988.  Pringle, Mary Beth. " La poetique de Fespace' in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's `The Yellow Wallpaper''' The French-American Review. 3 (1979): 15-22.  Schopp-Schilling, Beate. "' The Yellow Wallpaper': A Rediscovered Realistic Story."' American Literary Realism 1870-1910. 8 (1975): 107-108.  Shumaker, Conrad. "'Too Terribly Good to Be Printed': Charlotte Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper'" American Literature. 57 (1985): 194-198.  Treichler, Paula A. "Escaping the Sentence: Diagnosis and Discourse in The Yellow Wallpaper"' Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 3 (1984): 61-77.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Wallet Found
On December 20, 2008, I woke up with a cheery disposition as I thought about the fast approaching Christmas Eve. I was very excited about it as this is a time when the whole family gathers and relatives from all over the state visit and stay for the night.This year, the venue is our home which makes the event more exciting. On this morning, the whole family went together to the Sunday Church Service as was our custom. My parents, being devoted Christians, always attend Church on Sundays and have instilled to us, their children, the same habit.We had a pleasant time at the service as the pastor was very eloquent in his sermon and touched on matters that were important and significant today. After the service, my parents and I parted ways as they went on to our house while I was tasked to do grocery shopping for the Christmas Eve celebration at our home. Since the grocery was a just a few blocks away, I opted to walk and savor the fresh air.As I neared the grocery store, I stopped to t ie the laces of my rubber shoes. While knotting it back, I noticed a small wallet off to the side of the pavement, partially covered by a bin of garbage. I was surprised and I started to pick up the small brown wallet. I contemplated on whether to open the wallet or just give it to some security officer insider the grocery store. I then proceeded inside the grocery however my curiosity got the better of me so I entered the washroom and sat inside one of the vacant cubicles. I started to open the wallet and look inside.Inside the wallet, my eyes got huge as I found approximately 2,914 dollars in cash. My first thought was â€Å"Whoa. This is a lot of money†and for a moment, I just stood there dumbstruck and at a loss as to what action to take. I then found five credit cards inside the wallet will the pin number of each credit card written on a piece of sticky paper and attached at the back of the card. After a few seconds, I will be honest in saying that my mind started to ru n down on how I could use the money: the things I could buy and such. But then I stopped myself and started to delve inside the wallet to look for any identification cards. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fall of Troy Essay
Pride and self confidence are values often times convey in stories and books that chronicle tales about Greek Mythology. With the Gods and goddesses favoring a certain person and taking sides, mortals oftentimes grew more complacent and over confident about their own selves. As the Greek word Hubris implies it is an exaggerated act and display of self confidence that many times it leads to downfall of actions taken. Decisions are blinded and corrupted by the display of over confidence, thus details of courses are taken for granted. The events that transpired in Homer’s Iliad exemplify a person and a group of persons act of hubris.            The Iliad is divided into different sections. It is composed of twenty four different books, which narrate Achilles story and The Trojan War. Each story depicts how hubris plays an important role that leads to the result of the war and the downfall of a mighty city. It also narrates how disputes are born through hubris. The Trojan War was believed to be the greatest conflict in Greek History. The origin of the war was believed to have started, long before Achilles was born. It roots its origin in the conflict with the golden apple that happens among the three most powerful goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. The event leads to Paris, a Trojan Prince running away with Helen, wife of Menelaus. Book I of Iliad, The Quarrel by the Ships verse 10 showcases a display of Agamemnon, King of Mycenae and brother of Menelaus, exceeding self confidence. â€Å"Old man, don’t let me catch you by our hollow ships, sneaking back here today or later on. Who cares about Apollo’s scarf and staff? I’ll not release the girl to you, no, not before she’s grown old with me in Argos, far from home, working the loom, sharing my bed. Go away. If you want to get home safely, don’t anger me.†(Homer The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad). Agamemnon’s pride and boastful antics were very evident that he even defies Apollo’s power. He has this belief that, since he is a very worthy ruler, he deserved all the great things as rewards. Also, we can see Agamemnon’s proud image on the same book verse 110 to 120: â€Å"Prophet of evil, when have you ever said good things to me? You love to predict the worst, always the worst! You never show good news.  Now, in prophecy to the Danaans, you say archer Apollo brings us pain because I was unwilling to accept fine ransom for Chryses’ daughter, Chryseis. But I have a great desire to take her home in fact want her more than Clytaemnestra, the wife I married Chryseis is just as good  in her shape, physique, intelligence, or work. Still, I’m prepared to give her back, if that’s best. I want the people safe, not all killed off. But then you’ll owe me another prize. I won’t be the only Argive left without a gift. That would be entirely unfair to me. You all can see my spoils are going elsewhere.†(Homer The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad). He refused to set free the priest’s daughter and would only do so if a replacement would take her place. Agamemnon believed that what the oracle had foreseen is wrong and his decision could only be moved if the condition he had set is satisfied. What he wants, he should get. It also shows that Agamemnon did not want others to make fun of him if he would loose his concubine without a replacement.             To avoid the looming war a truce was agreed upon that Paris and Menelaus should fight and whoever won would have Helen as his wife. Paris lost but could not accept his defeat. His words to Helen from Book III Paris, Menelaus and Helen verse 440 were some kind of excuse for his failure. â€Å"Wife, don’t mock my courage with your insults. Yes, Menelaus has just defeated me, but with Athena’s help. Next time I’ll beat him for we have gods on our side, too.†(Homer â€Å"Paris, Menelaus, and Helen: Book 3 of the Iliad†) He could have easily accepted the defeat and handed out Helen to Menelaus. But, he too was too proud to accept the defeat. Menelaus has clearly won their match but he could not bear loosing Helen, especially because of his own fault. Paris could have died right away if not for Aphrodite lending him the much needed help. Paris Hubris was in display.            The war then has become inevitable as Aphrodite persuaded Pandarus in breaking the Trojans oath. â€Å"Fiery hearted son of Lycaon, why not do as I suggest? Prepare yourself to shoot a swift arrow at Menelaus. You’d earn thanks and glory from all Trojans, most of all from Prince Alexander. He’d be the every first to bring fine gifts, if he could see warlike Menelaus, son of Atreus, mounted on his bier, his bitter funeral pyre, killed by your arrow.†(Homer The Armies Clash: Book Four of the Iliad).  Pandarus shoots Menelaus. His arrogant attitude and greed for fame and appreciation broke the treaty. Believing that he would gain glory by killing Menelaus, he fired his arrow. Pandarus was hungry for the honor he would get if eventually he can kill Menelaus. It would be of great pride of him to be recognized in that way.            The war has erupted, and many Trojan and Achaeans have died. Diomemedes, guided by Athena, have been pushing the Trojan Army back with his superb fighting skill. But as he pushes forward he was hit by Lycaon’s son. â€Å"Come on, you brave horse-lashing Trojans, for the finest of Achaeans has been hurt.  I don’t think he’ll long survive my arrow’s force.†(Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†). Lycaon’s son was bragging and shouting that he has killed Diomedes. For him, the best warrior has been killed so it would all be easy to take on the remaining enemy. He thinks of himself so highly and mighty. Little that he knows that Diomedes was alive and his boastful act only infuriates the fighting spirit of Diomedes. He was furious and attacked the Trojans more violently. So angry was Diomedes that he even tried killing Aphrodite. â€Å"Diomedes with his ruthless bronze had gone to run down Aphrodite, knowing she was not a god who could do much in battle not one of those who control men’s wars. She was no Athena, no goddess Strife, who destroys whole cities.†(Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†). It was a display of hubris, as a mortal man attacked a goddess. Mortal men should respect Gods and recognized the vast difference between their abilities. Diomedes is powerful but he should know the limit of being human as Apollo stated from Book five verse 440 â€Å"Take care son of Tydeus. Go back. Don’t think you’re equal to the gods. The race of men who walk upon the ground can never match the race of deathless gods.†(Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†).  The God’s pride was injured, and Diomedes actions angered the Gods and resulted to more bloodshed. From verse 330 of book six, it would be obvious that Hector was feeling low. â€Å"Paris, you’re a worthless man. It’s quite wrong of you to nurse that anger in your heart, while men are being destroyed, fighting around the city its steep walls. It’s because of you the sounds of warfare catch fire around our city you would fight   any man you saw avoiding battle fleeing war’s brutality.†(Homer â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad†).  This statement from Hector, commander in chief of Troy, shows how he has been hurt by the actions done by Paris. For him, branding his brother is a great insult. He knew he was fated to die in that war. Still, he chooses to fight for his people. Fully aware that it was his brother actions that shape the war, still, he together with their allies was duty bound in defending Troy. The Trojans are too proud especially Hector, the heir to the throne, to admit that Paris was wrong. They were too high and almighty to believe that a fellow Trojan would commit such misconduct. Hubris is again in display that blinded their actions. They could have easily handed out Helen when the Greeks asked for Helen’s return. Hector’s disappointment with Paris is again revealed to the following statement â€Å"Brother, no one could justly criticize your work in battle, for you fight bravely. But you deliberately hold back and do not wish to fight. It pains my heart, when I hear shameful things about you from Trojans, who are suffering much distress because of you.† (Homer â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad†). He just could not stand what his fellow Trojans would tell about his brother.            Achilles on the other hand resolved to retire from fighting. His retirement from battle also showed sign of hubris. In a display of his â€Å"exaggerated pride†, which was revealing in verse 70 of Book 16, Achilles would not return to battle even if his comrades are slowly being killed and wounded. â€Å"Dreadful pain came in my heart and spirit when that man wished to cheat someone his equal and steal away that prize, and just because he’s got more power. That really hurt, given that I’ve suffered in this war so many pains here in my chest. Achaea’s sons chose that girl as my prize. I won her with my spear, once I’d destroyed her strong-walled city. Lord Agamemnon took her back, out of my hands, as if were some stranger without honor.†(Homer Patroclus Fights and Dies:Book 16 of the Iliad). His lost of drive for fighting happens when Agamemnon took Achilles concubine in replaced of the priest’s daughter who was set free. Achilles pride was hurt so he left the line of battle. He was one of the Greek’s mighty warriors and he believed that even Agamemnon should recognize that. Although, Agamemnon promised gold and the return of his concubine, to bring Achilles back to the lines of battle, Achilles injured pride was not persuaded. Instead he allowed his companion Patroclus to use his armor and fight in his place. He was proud enough not to work under the command of Agamemnon, who he believed is not a worthy commander in chief. His pride would not allow him to join the fighting, and his hubris had caused him the life of his friend.            Achilles returns to actions, from verse 20 of Book 19, was filled with power;  â€Å"Mother, this armor the god has given me is a work fit for the immortals, something no living human could create†(Homer Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad). Upon hearing this Achilles was filled with fearless power. With Thetis by his side, he led his army. The overwhelming confidence brought by the armor and the rage he was feeling, was proof of his anxiousness to return fighting. â€Å"Though you’re e a brave man, godlike Achilles, don’t encourage Achaea’s sons to fight against the Trojan on empty stomachs. If so, the fight won’t last for long if troops engage right now, once some god in fuses strength in to both sides. No. Instruct Achaeans to have some food and wine by their swift ships for they give strength and courage. No soldier can fight the enemy all day till sunset without some food.†(Homer Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad). This was a major display of hubris of Achilless, promising he will not waiver, rest and eat until he has avenged the death of his friend. The Death of Patroclus forced Achilles to return to the battlefield. He was enveloped of the idea of revenge. He was so angry that he even attacked Apollo, from verse 10 of Book 22. â€Å"Son of Peleus, why are you, a mere human, running so hard in an attempt to catch me, an immortal god? You’re still ignorant it seems, of the fact that I’m a god. You keep coming at me with such anger.†(Homer â€Å"The Death of Hector: Book 22 of the Iliad†). Achilles was so enraged that he was fighting fiercely even in the face of God. He blames himself for the death of his friend. He was too weak to bear the his pride. The fall of Troy was destined to happen. With the consent from the Gods, Troy was fated to fall. However, hubris played an important role to its downfall. From the moment, the Trojan War broke out it was the hubris not only by my mortals but by Gods, which made the events more chaotic. With the Gods by taking up sides to show their power the outcome of the war and the course of history itself, was shaped and reshaped. Treaties could have been signed and bloodshed could have been avoided if not because of the over exaggerated pride and confidence every man possess. When the Trojans celebrated their apparent victory, it leads to their downfall. They have underestimated their foe. They taught that the Gods had ruled in their favor, when the horse was found. They also believed that the time a sea monster ate those who opposed the entry of the horse to the city was a sign from the Gods. They grew more complacent and failed to act and think rationally. They deduced that in fact they are greater warriors and men compared to the Greeks. They admired themselves too well. The admiration was overwhelming that they failed to size up their opponents that eventually it leads to a tragic end. The belief that the City could not be conquered made a difference. Necessary precautions were not done. (Homer The Iliad) Homer. Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. â€â€. The Armies Clash: Book Four of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. â€â€. â€Å"The Death of Hector: Book 22 of the Iliad.† (800 B. C. E). â€â€. â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad.† (800 B. C. E). â€â€. â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad.† (800 B. C. E). â€â€. The Iliad. 800 B.C.E. â€â€. â€Å"Paris, Menelaus, and Helen: Book 3 of the Iliad.† (800 B. C. E). â€â€. Patroclus Fights and Dies:Book 16 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. â€â€. The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development The WritePass Journal
Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development Introduction Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development IntroductionReferences.Related Introduction Cognitive development overlooks the way children learn which Piaget (1896-1980) has had a great influence on. Piaget observed children throughout activities by interacting with them verbally and active listening. Piaget (1952) believed that children move through various stages in order to develop. In order for children to develop they had to pass the four stages, Piaget (1952) names the stages as follows, sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations and formal operational. However there have been many criticisms made by many theorists such as siegler, case, Lewis etc. In this essay I will be evaluating Piaget’s theory stages of development critically and coming to a conclusion. Piaget had a broad horizon on cognitive development. He felt that in order for a development to be passed a child creates schemas. Piaget (1951) schemas are senses of experiences gained by a child from birth. A schema represents a child’s physical and mental capability, for an example a new born child begins to grasp, suck, blink etc. In order for a child to go through the next stage he should be intellectually and mentally fit. The first stage is the sensori-motor, this stage start from birth to 2 years. During this stage children begin to use their senses to create senses in order to develop such as see, hear, touch etc. Piaget (1952) did a task with children ages 8 to 12 months. He called this task â€Å"object permanence†, where he hid an attractive toy away from the child. The child responded by pushing objects away to find the toy. His findings showed him that children began to problem solve and have an understanding. The second stage is the preoperational stage. This stage occurs from 2 to 7 years. Piaget (1936) felt that children were not intellectually capable as their perception was dominating the way they saw situations. He believed that there were many limitations to the way children will think during this stage. The first limitation was egocentration where their own perceptions are being dominated by themselves. Piaget felt that young children are unable to express their views other than their own. In order to prove this he created a task called â€Å"three mountains task†. He came to the conclusion that children up to the age of seven could not identify what the doll could see as they would only answer what they could. The second limitation to this stage is centration which Piaget (1936) believed that children could only focus on one situation going on at one time ignoring others. Piaget (1952) created a task called â€Å"conservation†, this task involved objects which were t ransformed into different lengths, shapes etc. From this task he found out that children cannot focus or understand the concept of height while concentrating on the width. Robert Siegler (1981) replicated Piaget’s (1958) â€Å"Balance Beam†task to see why children could not solve conservation tasks. However Siegler (1981) believed that there are some strategies which children use in order to complete tasks. From his experiment he found that children below 5 could not use the first strategy but used strategy 2 and 3. The third stage is concrete operations. This stage starts from 7 to 12 years. This stage strongly focuses on reasoning. At this stage children are able to see and understand conservation tasks, size, height etc. There are 4 areas which consist within this stage conservation, classification, seriation. Conservation involves children to problem solve mathematically. Classification is for children 7 to 10, Piaget (1967) has said classification is what children in those ages should be able to understand and group objects relating them to their characteristics. Seriation is children able to put things in order for example in size, colour shape, numbers etc. This stage is allowing children to experiment with real objects in order to explore and problem solve. Piaget (1967) did an experiment for seriation with sticks where he found out that, children can put into series of order but make many mistakes. He found that above 6 years can put in order in no time and correctly. The final stage is formal operational. This stage occurs in children around 11 according to Piaget (1958). At this stage children are thinking like adults where they can easily problems in their head with ease. Piaget (1958) constructed a task called â€Å"pendulum†. From this task he found out children do little mistakes but learn from them and all three stages pre- operational, concrete and formal operational are concurred and passed. Lewis (1981) did an experiment to show that not all teenagers at the age of 11 can think like adults, he found out that 50-60% teenagers used formal operations. This shows that not all teenagers including adults use this stage. However Bryant (1974) had criticised that tasks that Piaget (1936, 1951, 1952) did to prove his theory were very hard for children to do. Bryant (1974) proved that Piaget was a bit harsh in tasks with children so he constructed a task where he found out that children under 5 were able to do the tasks without any hesitation. This shows the Piaget (1952) did have a good theory but didn’t have the right task for the age group which the children didn’t answer correctly. Robbie case (1992, 1998) did an experiment to see that a child’s development is not just about schemas or to see their cognitive development, but it includes information processing, which is internal capacity of a child. Cases’ (1992, 1998) theory shows that children have not got enough memory capacity to help them process and develop. So as children grow older they concur the stage. This essay has come to the conclusion that Piaget’s theory has a good source of empirical support to prove his theory. Piaget himself has underpinned numerous tasks such as 3 mountains task, pendulum, object permanence, in order prove his stages of development. However other theorists such as Bryant (1947), Case (1992), Lewis(1981) and Siegler (1981) have proved that there more to the stages of development for example case (1992) has showed that information processing has an equivalent contribution. Nevertheless Piaget had a great impact on cognitive development whereas as many theorists have been inspired. References. Berk. E. L. (2009). Child Development. United States: Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data pages, 22-24,224-257,278, 280-281, 293. Birch, A. (1997). Developmental psychology. London: Macmillean Press LTD, pages 65-80,111-113. Piaget, J. (1955). The Childs Construction of Reality, trans. London: M. Cook. Piaget, J. (1959). The Language and Thought of the Child. London: Routeledge and Kegan Paul. Siegler R. S. (1998). Childrens Thinking 3rd edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pages 44, 66-67, 74-78.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Definition of a College Super Senior
The Definition of a College Super Senior The term super senior refers to a student who attends a four-year institution (either high school or college) for more than four years. Such students are sometimes called fifth-year seniors, as well. The name stems from the fact that high school and college students typically take four years to get their diplomas. Each year of school has its own name: Your first year is your freshman year, your second year is your sophomore year, your third year is your junior year and your fourth year is your senior year. But theres another category of student that doesnt fit those labels: People who arent done with college after their senior year. Enter the term super senior. Perhaps because its becoming increasingly common for students to take 5 (or more) years to finish college, the term super senior is becoming increasingly common as well. Who Qualifies as a Super Senior? The connotations of super senior vary a bit and depend on an individual students situation. Calling someone who is double majoring in chemistry and biology and then planning on going to medical school a super senior merely acknowledges they are in their fifth year. In contrast, calling someone a super senior because theyve failed multiple classes and perhaps enjoy the party scene rather than work to finish in four years is, indeed, a bit of a put down. There can be legitimate reasons why people take more than four years to finish college. Classes, particularly at bigger schools, can be difficult to get into, making it a challenge to complete your degree requirements by the end of senior year. That becomes even more difficult if youve changed your major a few times, effectively cutting down the amount of time you have to get everything done. And from time to time, people encounter personal challenges or medical situations that delay their ability to graduate. Sometimes being a super senior is part of the plan. There are a variety of schools and programs that offer things like dual degrees, a fifth-year masters degree, or a fellowship that requires extra enrollment beyond four years. Or maybe youll come across a great semester-long internship program that requires you to take a reduced number of credits: Taking the job may mean you graduate later than planned, but youll do so with experiences and a resume that will make you more competitive in the job market. Super seniors are simply another part of a college community. Is It Bad to Be a Super Senior? Taking more than four years to graduate college isnt inherently bad - employers generally care whether or not you got the degree, not how long it took you to earn it. That being said, one of the greatest consequences of taking longer to complete college is the financial burden. Scholarships are sometimes limited to the first four years of study, and there are limits on federal student loans to undergraduates. No matter how you figure out how to pay for it, an extra year or more of tuition payments wont come cheap. On the other hand, doing a fifth-year masters program could actually help you save money. In the end, the most important thing is that you reach whatever goals brought you to college in the first place.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Railways in the Industrial Revolution
The Railways in the Industrial Revolution If the steam engine is the icon of the industrial revolution, it’s most famous incarnation is the steam driven locomotive. The union of steam and iron rails produced the railways, a new form of transport which boomed in the later nineteenth century, affecting industry and social life. The Development of the Railways In 1767 Richard Reynolds created a set of rails for moving coal at Coalbrookdale; these were initially wood but became iron rails. In 1801 the first Act of Parliament was passed for the creation of a ‘railway’, although at this point it was a horse pulled carts on rails. Small, scattered railway development continued, but at the same time, the steam engine was evolving. In 1801 Trevithic invented a steam driven locomotive which ran on roads, and 1813 William Hedly built Puffing Billy for use in mines, followed a year later by George Stephenson’s engine. In 1821 Stephenson built the Stockton to Darlington railway using iron rails and steam power with the aim of breaking the local monopoly of the canal owners. The initial plan had been for horses to provide the energy, but Stephenson pushed for steam. The importance of this has been exaggerated, as it still remained as â€Å"fast†as a canal (i.e. slow). The first time a railway used a true steam locomotive running on rails was the Liverpool to Manchester railway in 1830. This is probably the true landmark in rail and mirrored the route of the groundbreaking Bridgewater Canal. Indeed, the owner of the canal had opposed the railway to protect his investment. The Liverpool to Manchester railway provided the management blueprint for later development, creating a permanent staff and recognizing the potential of passenger travel. Indeed, until the 1850s railways made more from passengers than freight. In the 1830s canal companies, challenged by new railways, cut prices and largely kept their business. As railways were rarely connected they were generally used for local freight and passengers. However, industrialists soon realized that railways could make a clear profit, and in 1835-37, and 1844-48 there was such a boom in the creation of railways that ‘railway mania’ was said to have swept the country. In this later period, there were 10,000 acts creating railways. Of course, this mania encouraged the creation of lines which were unviable and in competition with each other. The government largely adopted a laissez-faire attitude but did intervene to try and stop accidents and dangerous competition. They also passed a law in 1844 ordering third class travel to be on at least one train a day, and the Gauge Act of 1846 to make sure the trains ran on the same sort of rails. Railways and Economic Development Railways had a major impact on farming, as perishable goods such as dairy products could now be moved long distances before they were inedible. The standard of living rose as a result. New companies formed to both run railways and take advantage of the possibilities, and a major new employer was created. At the height of the railway boom, massive amounts of Britain’s industrial output were funneled into the construction, boosting industry, and when the British boom subsided these materials were exported to build railways abroad. Social Impact of Railways In order for trains to be timetabled, a standardized time was introduced across Britain, making it a more uniform place. Suburbs began to form as white collar workers moved out from the inner cities, and some working-class districts were demolished for new rail buildings. Opportunities for travel broadened as the working class could now travel further and more freely, although some conservatives worried this would cause a revolt. Communications were vastly sped up, and regionalization began to break down. Importance of the Railways The effect of railways in the Industrial Revolution is often exaggerated. They did not cause industrialization and had no impact on the changing locations of industries as they only developed after 1830 and were initially slow to catch on. What they did do was allow the revolution to continue, provide further stimulus, and help to transform the mobility and diets of the population.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Managing Expansion Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managing Expansion Change - Case Study Example A significant problem is that customers make regular complaints about service at the hotel. Moreover, the hotel has accrued significant debts, meaning that it has been operating below the break-even point. The aforementioned problems comprise part of what PDR Hotel & Resorts will inherit when it finally gets acquisition rights for Mortloch Hotel. To begin with, PDR Hotel & Resorts will have to make a turn around in the quality of services in order to boost customer confidence in the hotel. Secondly, PDR Hotel & Resorts will have to develop mechanisms to improve service delivery, among them deploying qualified personnel in the various departments who will embrace excellent human resource management skills. Thirdly, the group will have to focus on the customers' complaints and provide solutions since customers are the cornerstone of success of any business organization. Additionally, PDR Hotel & Resorts has to look into ways of solving any problems that arise due to debts. The significance of the above problems is that PDR Hotel & Resorts plans to buy Mortloch Hotel as part of its expansion programme, yet it is evident that the hotel currently has a clouded image. If the purchase is not critically appraised, PDR Hotel & Resorts may end up tarnishing its reputation in case the trend at the hotel continues even after the group acquires it. Therefore, when PDR Hotel & Resorts eventually acquires Mortloch Hotel, the group will have to prove indisputably that the hotel is in deed under new management, with new services that will leave customers craving to make subsequent visits. In order to facilitate an effective and problem-specific structure to increase revenue, it is imperative to improve quality and service while minimizing the running costs in order to eliminate debt. The theme of research on the process therefore lies around improving the customer base, staff management, service delivery, and ultimately, revenue collection and expenditure. There has to be a clear pattern of accountability in all departments in order to improve customer-staff relations. Additionally, the management has to work towards common objectives in order to improve service delivery and staff morale. Marchington and Wilkinson (2005) identified effective human resource management such employee participation as the best way to resuscitate a collapsing organization. This review presents the objectives of investing in Mortloch Hotel, the strategies to overhaul its management and limitations to the programme. Such strategies will include improvement of the hotel's facilities and staff training to boost service delivery. A review of ideas by other authors forms part of the discussion and analysis of ideas in this text. Objective of research As part of investment in an expansion programme that
Friday, October 18, 2019
Triple Steel Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Triple Steel Corporation - Essay Example As the discussion highlights in the initial assessment of the company, the current assets of the company have declined as the total worth of the company has also deteriorated comparing from the last year results. Since the revenue of the company has reduced by 2.37 Million as compared to last year, the assets of the company have also decreased but not in the same proportion. The cash and cash equivalents have decreased by 1% while the trade receivables have reduced by almost 60% which does not correspond with the loss decline in the revenue for the current year which was only 11%. The inconsistency between the two corresponding figures requires some additional concern over revenue and receivables. This paper outlines that  the inventory of Triple Steel has not decreased by the same proportion as the closing stock of the company stood at 3.55 Million which was down by 14% while the cost of goods sold was up by 1%. It has also been identified that the company has used two different methods of valuation of inventory at the year end as the method of valuation of inventory must remain constant throughout the year. In addition, the IAS doesn’t allow the use of Last-in-first-out method of valuation of inventory. The prepaid tax and insurance figures saw a decline by 23.53% as the revenue has also declined for the company and the company also incurred a loss of 49,000 this year compared to the profit of 1.795 Million last year. The property, plant and equipment of the company have increased by 3.7% which includes the purchase of land, building, equipment and machinery during the year. This has also given rise to the depreciation expense of the year which was nearly 8.8%. This may be because of the depreciation method used by the company such as the reducing balance. The current liabilities of the company have increased by 16.15% which include major increase in the amount of accounts payable which has increased by nearly 14%.
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11
Compare and contrast - Essay Example This article includes two of the famous speeches delivered by prolific individuals taking part in the debate, highlighting the comparison, context and writers’ overall views on slavery and the country. Abraham Lincoln and James Henry were key figures in the slavery debate and through their contributions that included public speeches on their positions; they made much impact that shaped the direction of the debate. The striking similarity is the importance with which these two gentlemen introduced into the debate that was very important to the American society. Lincoln’s â€Å"Speech in Peoria†deeply expressed slavery issues in a passionate way just as Henry’s â€Å"Letter to English Abolitionists†did. The reader is able to extract the strong character of the two personalities that these gentlemen were from their documents1. However, there are a few contrasting issues that emerge from an analysis of the two documents. On one hand, it appears that Lincoln advocates for the abolition of slavery which defines his historical engagement with the American political scenes. Lincoln delivered his speech in reiteration of the repealing of the Missouri Compromise that was powerful in prohibiting slavery in some parts of the United States2. This powerful document acted as a conflict resolving compromise agreed by the two sides of the debate on slavery in the United States. By delivering the Speech in Peoria, Lincoln was delivering his opinion and that of the antislavery campaigners who obviously stood disadvantaged from the unfortunate repeal decision that meant verification and authentication of slavery (Lincoln Institute, 1). On the other hand, the Letter to English Abolitionists prepared by Henry was delivered at a time when the standoff on slavery was still fresh. Henry contributions, unlike those contained in Lincoln’s speech seemed to favour slavery
Chapter 14 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chapter 14 - Assignment Example n should be developed in such a way that ensures that customers are satisfied with the products and services being offered by the firm (Dawson, 2012). The major requirements for ISO certification are that business processes should be defined in an explicit manner. The policy of quality should be stated that reflects upon the commitments of the organization. The policies are usually developed by the top management as they are the decision makers of the organization and know in which direction the firm has to progress. There should be objectives set for quality and performance of the firm. There should be a quality manual present with the firm, procedures of administration and training should be in there in the form of manual or policies. There should be the tracking processes of suppliers as well as feedback of the customers. A manager should be there in the firm as a representative, reviews of management team should be conducted regularly, internal and certification audits should be conducted (What is Really Required for ISO 9000?, 2012). ISO standards can be related to American companies doing business internationally in many perspectives. One of the most important perspectives is that when American companies plan to conduct their operations at an international level, they need to maintain their quality level in their operations as well as in the products and services produced by them. ISO standards help organizations in providing them with a framework of what all should be included in maintaining quality in the organization. Standard formats, rules and regulations regarding quality help organizations in maintaining the required level of quality in business operations. Through ISO 9000 organizations have the opportunity to identify the problems in their organization regarding quality (Benefits of ISO 9000, 2012). International countries may allow access to ISO certified organizations willingly. This way American organization can also easily make their global
Thursday, October 17, 2019
History at Great Zimbabwe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History at Great Zimbabwe - Essay Example However, I should say, Beach's presentation of early civilization and how the Great Zimbabwe started in the 16th century dealt with deeper level of understanding. Based on the theories and studies, the author is stating that the Great Zimbabwe is politically static community showing generational dynastic activities. The Author used Huffman's archaeological study on Portuguese documents using the "Shona" as oral traditions and the Venda Anthropology to explain well the mysterious developments on Great Zimbabwe. These traditions were based on the early ruins of the civilization and the modern Shona cultures to clearly explain the connections, evidences and origins of how it started. Mutapa Oral Traditions were also brought up as the author believed that it is where state formation came from and manifested for three centuries giving details on different socio-political plans of the Great Zimbabwe. It was then also considering that Mutapas lived on the high house wherein seen to be the "rulers" of the early civilization. "Snakes" and "Birds" were cited by the author referring on different geographical representation of people within the community and the hierarchy of the so-called "rulers". Though, presented with inconsistencies on each arguments still "oral traditions" has been a reliable assumptions on Great Zimbabwe over the 600 years. "The Great Enclosure" was used to state the
American security culture in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
American security culture in history - Essay Example Terrorism activities have been among the most life claiming catastrophes in this century. In America alone which is the world’s super power, terrorism has had an adverse effect especially after the 9/11 attacks and American citizens learnt how easy their security systems could have been bleached by the ruthless terrorist attackers. The constitution of the homeland security in 2002 was the most brilliant security measure that the United States governments could have come up with at that time in order to avert future catastrophic attacks in America. However, as the American government is exploring all available channels to stop future attacks, the terrorists are also working to ensure they exploit various weaknesses in the system and render to such attacks happening again. The task seeks to dig out several issues such as the reality of the terrorist attacks, ability to mitigate them to prevent reoccurrence and the effects on the citizens and security systems in place if they did occur. America having experienced a traumatizing encounter with terrorism, there is still suspicion and fear that other attacks can hit the American people by surprise. The fact that currently terrorists may gain access to weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, poisonous gasses, germ dispensers, and computer viruses should be a cause for alarm to security agencies in America. One of the cited loopholes that security critics feel could be exploited by aggressors is in the coordination of The Department of Homeland Security (DHS).The DHS having 22 existing agencies that report to numerous congressional committees and the nagging engagement of U.S public by the security personnel may be seen as a way of intruding their privacy. In a different context that could be seen as a success by the Homeland security but it may be a venue to be exploited by the terrorists is the fact that there has been no attack for almost 13 years
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
History at Great Zimbabwe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History at Great Zimbabwe - Essay Example However, I should say, Beach's presentation of early civilization and how the Great Zimbabwe started in the 16th century dealt with deeper level of understanding. Based on the theories and studies, the author is stating that the Great Zimbabwe is politically static community showing generational dynastic activities. The Author used Huffman's archaeological study on Portuguese documents using the "Shona" as oral traditions and the Venda Anthropology to explain well the mysterious developments on Great Zimbabwe. These traditions were based on the early ruins of the civilization and the modern Shona cultures to clearly explain the connections, evidences and origins of how it started. Mutapa Oral Traditions were also brought up as the author believed that it is where state formation came from and manifested for three centuries giving details on different socio-political plans of the Great Zimbabwe. It was then also considering that Mutapas lived on the high house wherein seen to be the "rulers" of the early civilization. "Snakes" and "Birds" were cited by the author referring on different geographical representation of people within the community and the hierarchy of the so-called "rulers". Though, presented with inconsistencies on each arguments still "oral traditions" has been a reliable assumptions on Great Zimbabwe over the 600 years. "The Great Enclosure" was used to state the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Operating Principles of Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Liquid Crystal Essay
Operating Principles of Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Liquid Crystal (LCD) Electronic Displays - Essay Example The P type and N type materials are joined together to create a P-N junction. In case of no electricity flow the electrons occupy the holes on the P type material creating a depletion zone. The depletion zone acts as an insulating layer in the diode. In case the electric current is passed through the diode, the electrons in the N type material get attracted towards the P type material leading to removal of depletion zone. When the electrons meet the protons energy is released in the form of photons, which emit light. The energy of the band-gap is represented by the energy of the photons. The colour of the light depends on the wavelength and the type of material used in the semiconductor. The change in supply of current affects the flux of luminosity proportionately. LED in general are operated using direct currents to avoid the variation in the intensity of luminosity. The mechanism used is the â€Å"Injection Electroluminescence†where Luminescence signifies photon production ; Electro suggests photon production using electric current and the Injection part deals with photon production using current carriers. In general, the conducting material used in LED are Aluminium-Gallium-Arsenide (AlGaAs), the colour of the light depends upon the type of material used as a semiconductor. Some of the other materials used in production of semiconductors a part of LED are Fig.1 –List of Semiconductor materials (LED, 2010) Organic Light Emitting diodes are also used where a thin film of organic material is coated over the semiconductors. LED is made of semiconductor materials which are responsible for the production of light of various colours. In case of a static diode, when no electric current is passed the P type and N type materials attract respective protons and electrons at the respective ends. A depletion zone is created
Monday, October 14, 2019
Smart Corporate Marketing Objectives
Smart Corporate Marketing Objectives Marketing objectives should be based on understanding strengths and weaknesses, and the business environment you operate in. They should also be linked to the overall corporate strategy and So before you start marketing, set some objectives, SMART ones. What do I mean by SMART objectives? Well, its one of those business acronyms taught in all business and marketing qualifications, but unlike many others, this one is actually worth bothering with. Specific Your SMART objectives should be specific, detailed, well defined and results orientated. They should include exactly what has to be achieved and by who. Measurable Objectives are far more effective when they have a measure. For example to increase sales has little effect, but to increase sales by 25% gives you a specific measure to work to. This measure can then be evaluated and used to help form new SMART objectives in the future. Achievable Your SMART objectives must stretch you, but at the same time be achievable. There is no point in setting objectives that you wont be able to achieve for years, as you will soon lose motivation. Realistic Closely linked to achievable, realistic relates more to resources. Do you have the man-power, money, time and opportunity to achieve the SMART objectives? Is there something else that has to happen before you can make a start on that objective Timed Perhaps most importantly set deadlines for achieving your SMART objectives time frames are great at prompting action. It is worth noting that the marketing plan objectives should always lead to actual sales revenue. If not, you need to re-examine your marketing objectives and restate them so that they relate to sales results. In simple words marketing objectives should be: Clear and specific Tangible and measurable Be time-based, with a target achievement date Linking marketing objectives to corporate strategy Your marketing objectives should also be consistent with and indicate the priorities of the organization. This means that objectives should flow from the mission statement of your business, towards the financial objectives and to the rest of the marketing plan. A linked marketing objective could be to add pre-packaged garden soil as a new complementary product line to be offered with plant sales. To grow the business as per the strategic goal and meet the financial objective of 100,000 in extra sales, it has been calculated that a total of 7,500 bags will need to be sold at their selling price of  £100 each. ACTIONS REQUIRED TO ACHIVE MARKETING OBJECTIVES To run a business successfully, today, one must consider the need for publicity, an online presence, direct marketing, advertising, brand identity, word of mouth advertising, networking, viral marketing, pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, positioning, market segmentation, html email campaigns, experiential marketing, etc. Many of these activities are phase I functions that need to be considered and begun from day one of marketing. Here are 5 main factors to achieve the marketing objectives: Marketing should be broken into stages. Every marketing activity should be weighted by how well it addresses business objectives, then by investment and how fast it delivers return on investment. Also, the chronology is important. For example, it would be ineffective to run an html email campaign before developing and launching your web site. Time will be in short supply early on. Working with one marketing firm will help to streamline communication, reporting and execution. Start with publicity. If you are able to achieve some quality article placements in key media, you will be able to use that publicity in coming months/years and in other marketing vehicles to build brand awareness and credibility. Set reasonable expectations for response and return on specific marketing activities. Remember that your company is an unknown entity to your marketplace until you are able to begin building brand awareness and identity. This will take time. Dont change course from a marketing plan that isnt broken, simply because youre growing impatient in other aspects of your business. Be realistic about your budget. In business, you might or might not be able to invest in simultaneous, integrated initiatives. Likewise, if your budget needs to be amended, let your marketing team know. They will adjust the plan and schedule to meet that new reality. Detailed Review of plans and programs At this stage, you will need to review your overall marketing objectives into detailed plans and program. Although these detailed plans may cover each of the 7 Ps, the focus will vary, depending upon your organizations specific strategies. A company will focus for the 7 Ps around each of its products. A market or geographically oriented company will concentrate on each market or geographical area. Each will base its plans upon the detailed needs of its customers, and on the strategies chosen to satisfy these needs. These plans therefore are: Clear They should be an unambiguous statement of exactly what is to be done. Quantified The predicted outcome of each activity should be, as far as possible, quantified; so that its performance can be monitored. Focused The temptation to proliferate activities beyond the numbers which can be realistically controlled should be avoided. Realistic They should be achievable. Agreed Those who are to implement them should be committed to them, and agree that they are achievable. The resulting plans should become a working document which will guide the campaigns taking place throughout the organization over the period of the plan Measurement of Marketing objectives Continuous monitoring of performance, against predetermined targets, represents a most important aspect of marketing. However, perhaps even more important is the enforced discipline of a regular formal review. Again, as with forecasts, in many cases the best (most realistic) planning cycle will revolve around a quarterly review. Best of all, at least in terms of the quantifiable aspects of the plans, if not the wealth of backing detail, is probably a quarterly rolling review. Performance analysis The most important elements of marketing performance, which are normally tracked, are: Sales analysis Most organizations track their sales results and marketing .The more sophisticated track them in terms of sales variance the deviation from the target figures which allows a more immediate picture of deviations to become evident. `Micro-analysis, which is a nicely pseudo-scientific term for the normal management process of investigating detailed problems, then investigates the individual elements (individual products, sales territories, customers and so on) which are failing to meet targets. Market share analysis Few organizations track market share though it is often an important metric. Though absolute sales might grow in an expanding market, share of the market can decrease for future sales when the market starts to drop. Where such market share is tracked, there may be a number of aspects which will be followed: overall market share segment share that in the specific, targeted segment relative share -in relation to the market leaders annual fluctuation rate of market share Expense analysis The key ratio to watch in this area is usually the `marketing expense to sales ratio; although this may be broken down into other elements (advertising to sales, sales administration to sales, and so on). Financial analysis The bottom line of marketing activities should at least in theory, be the net profit (for all except non-profit organizations, where the comparable emphasis may be on remaining within budgeted costs).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Freedom of Speech is what this country’s constitution gives its people. Even so, we have to be conscious that putting into effect these right require sense of duty. For that reason, the media is a essential element in today culture and has turn out to be the primary impact and it has an outcome on our nations’ future, viewpoint, and the globe’s view of us. As a result, the media are responsible for mainstream America ideals and the familiarity of the image based on the impact from the media. The media are fundamental of social influence and political decisions. Additionally the media has the responsibility to give readers, viewers and listeners accuracy and accountable. Nonetheless, the media should uphold fairness and meticulousness (Pulliam, 1996-2012). For this purpose, the media has assembled into the most crucial aspect of our era, influencing every citizen settling the unease relating to media responsibility today, but also challenging to characterize t he importance of the responsibility. The media are what we read, listen to and watch; the foremost impact is psychological, intellectual and share commercial implications. A utilitarian purpose can be proficient only through an endeavor to add diverse ethical standards established by the social order to improve our society. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances â€Å" (Bhagwat, 2011). Hence, the media is responsible for the way we perceive and build our own personal views of the world and the way it operates. Thereupon ... ...ia to make sure the information is presented in a fair, balanced and truthful manner (Voakes, 2004). As journalists and the media itself we all have the responsibility to seek truth and report it, minimize harm, and act independently (Pulliam, 1996-2012). Hence, the Media has the responsibility to give readers, viewers and listeners’ accuracy and accountability of information. In addition the media has built into for the most part crucial aspect of our era, influencing every citizen rather it is politics, the law, or other social issues. As a future journalist the media has three roles of responsibilities of regarding the media. They must act as a mirror of society to inform the people. Furthermore to help bridge the communication gaps between different sections of society. Lastly, also critically analyze public policies, social and cultural issues in the society.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Use of Suspense in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays
The Use of Suspense in Julius Caesar Suspense can be defined as the uncertainties the reader feels about what will happen next in a story, or in this case, a play. William Shakespeare incorporated in Julius Caesar three very suspenseful events on which the whole play depends. The first suspenseful event of this play occurs when the conspirators join and discuss their reasons for assassination. Cassius feels that he is equal to Caesar, if not even better that him. Shakespeare builds suspense by using this statement made by Cassius: "I was born free as Caesar.../we both have fed as well, and we can both / endure the winter's cold as well as he." Then cassius tries to persuade Brutes to join in on the conspiracy by telling him that it would be honorable to assassinate Caesar. Cassius tells Brutes that the fate of Rome is in trouble with Caesar in power, which helps build suspense early in the play. To convince Brutes conclusively, cassius forged letters and threw them into Brutus's window where he was sure to find them. Shakespeare wrote this statement: "we will awake him and be sure of him. This is a very powerful statement that builds suspense because the reader most likely feels that Brutes will join in and want to assassinate Caesar, yet the reader is uncertain as to whether or not the plan will work. These events are very suspenseful as they lead up to the assassination of Caesar. The next series of suspenseful events that foreshadow Caesar's assassination happen on a very unusual night. One night before Caesar's death there were many strange occurrences the foreshadows darkness in the future. A lioness gave birth in the streets, the dead rose from their graves, fiery worriers fought in the clouds so fiercely that blood drizzled upon the capitol, horses neighed, dying men groaned, and ghosts shrieked and squealed along the streets; all events of this strange night that Shakespeare makes so suspenseful. Also on this unusual nigh, Calpurnia had a very frightening dream that was very suspenseful. The dream was of Caesar's statue emitting blood and many Romans were bathing in it. When the reader reads this he is "on the edge of his seat"
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Lord of the Rings in the 21st Century
Films or movies are representative of cultures and the nature of the generation from which it is spun. Films or movies seem to represent a piece of reality within them that seeks to inform its viewers, transform thoughts and ideals of its audience, influence change, and such. However, in this case, the role of the film or movie is to represent our society as it is now in the 21st century. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, adapted from the books written by J. R. R. Tolkien, represents our generation in the 21st century as it illustrates the war between good and evil that we are battling at present. We exist in a world in chaos, where nations battle for peace and harmony amidst a war-stricken world, and yet like the purpose driven by the Fellowship of the Ring, the people struggle and hope that we may be able to withstand the turmoil to reach tranquility.The Lord of the Rings Trilogy follows the structure of a typical â€Å"good versus evil†movie. The theme was instigated by en compassing feelings of fear – fear from being corrupted and restricted by the malevolent and iniquitous nature of man. Moreover, the vulnerability of man to be seduced by power and authority establishes the central theme of the trilogy.The evil that entices man will lead him to destroy the peace and goodness that exists on earth and seek to annihilate everyone who dares to oppose him in his quest for supremacy. This poses the thought that man is feeble, unable to resist his surrender to wickedness for his personal vested interests.Sauron, the antagonist in the film trilogy, represents the greed for power. The ring, which Sauron seeks, is the symbolism of power, and with this power, the ability to rule all of earth according to his desires. Perhaps this builds on one cultural myth that illustrates the growing need of man to earn power or a valuable position in society. As the world grows and deteriorates into a society that nurtures unfairness, inequality, deceit, war, value f or money and status rather than life, the mind set of people grows and changes along with it.This kind of society builds on competition, such that the more power you have, the more authority you gain to obtain what you want and need. Moreover, this kind of society has instilled in the minds of the people that they need to struggle and compete with other people no matter the cost, just to obtain power. Sauron is greed that grows inside every human being, always in search for that ring of power, believing it to be their saving grace to survive in the mess of the world.On a more practical or technical perspective, the society that we live in at present is more of a capitalist society. The foundation of capitalism is built on the kind of competition already discussed in the previous paragraph. People compete for ownership and profit, without being controlled or restricted, which will lead them to occupy a highly revered position.Under the context of business, capitalists manipulate the people into purchasing what they sell in order to earn profit and obtain ownership over the majority. Moreover, capitalists compete among themselves and will do everything at all costs to obtain an advantage over competitors.Like the characters of Isildur and Smeagol (Gollum) in the trilogy, capitalists have been corrupted by the greed for power (Sauron and the ring).Isildur was a great king and Smeagol was an innocent hobbit, however, their brief possession of the one ring has corrupted them. Isildur chose not to destroy the ring but keep it for himself in order to maintain his position as king, while Smeagol became fixated on the ring which hindered him from having a good and happy life.This is similar with what is happening now. Capitalists have built a world according to their terms where people are urged to earn more money in order to spend it on what capitalism has dictated as their wants and needs – and this is all motivated by greed.Instead of thinking about equality and justice, capitalists chose to be in power and from there obtain more of it by relying on the weaknesses of the people who are at a disadvantage. The people too, who submit to the deceit that capitalists impose on them, are being tempted like Smeagol.People nowadays are never happy about earning a regular salary – they have to earn more. People are not contented with having a roof above them – it has to be a big house with large windows, a pool, overlooking the mountains, etc. The discontentment is caused by the influence of capitalists for people to have more, and by having more, they mean having more from them.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers Essay
It’s very interesting that I find myself writing about something that not only is commonsense, but what is more, something that every one knows about in general but may not in particular. Alcohol use among teenagers is a serious problem and is responsible for death and injury in automobile accidents, physical and emotional disability, deterioration of academic performances, aggressive behavior that causes a number of other sociological problems in families and among friends. It is also the primary cause of criminal behavior and a leading cause of broken marriages. As we know it’s a broad topic therefore I’ll look at the role that alcohol plays in the society and it’s impact on teenage addiction. MATTER OF CONCERN (Causes and effects) The age when young people are taking their first drink is becoming lower each year. Many studies show that preteens are experimenting with alcohol and many are already heavy drinkers (Cahalan 1997). It may be difficult for parents and teachers to believe that a seventh grade student can have an alcohol problem, but a study of student drinking practices shows that 5% of seventh-grade boys and 4. 4% of seventh-grade girls are seriously abusing alcohol (Royce 1996). That’s why we see the consequences in terms of antisocial behavior, school failure, attention deficit, learning disabilities and road accidents among the teenagers. THE MAIN CAUSE ?.. MEDIA. Despite the problems caused to young and old by alcohol, society sends mixed signals to its youth. Media presents alcohol drinking with peers as not only acceptable but also to insure friendship and as a romantic beverage. Movies present a realistic picture of alcohol abuse. A report by â€Å"scientific analysis corporation†examined drinking practices on television and found that out of 225 programs 701 alcoholic drinking acts were recorded which were against the voluntary code (Jean Lennane,1995) of the liquor industry. The code states that: a) Any actor shown drinking must be over the age sixty. a) Any drinking shown should be natural, sensible and responsible. a) Ads should not suggest that drinking alcohol contributes toward social, sexual or supporting success or as being a pre-requisite of relaxation. a) Ads should not challenge or dare people to consume alcohol. We can see the ads any night and judge rather how many don’t breach the voluntary code. AVAIBILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY A leading cause is that alcoholic drinks can be easily obtained and these are socially more acceptable than other drugs. Parents, teenagers and educators often fail to realize the potential for problems that alcohol presents to the immature psyche and body(Kay Healey, 1997). At the time when body and emotions are maturing, frequent or excessive use of alcohol can cause irrapareable damage. MISCONCEPTION: Drinking alcohol is only viewed as an adult behavior in the society. Alcoholic beverages are advertised and marketed as being associated with sexuality and romance, but, infact alcohol is a depressant which decreases overall sexual performance and dulls pleasurable feelings. (Kay Healey,1997) FAMILY FACTORS: Parental attitude and behavior regarding alcohol use play important role in how their children view it’s use. Evidence exists that a family history of antisocial and poor parenting increases the risk of having children who use alcohol and other drugs. The home is the primary source of alcohol for the young adolescent. ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT: Teenagers report that they drink for enjoyment, to forget problems or to reduce stress and anxiety in their lives. Teenagers, however are at increased risk of becoming intoxicated while drinking less than adults because of their limited experience with alcohol and smaller body size. Depressed or those teenagers who have been physically or sexually abused may use alcohol in an attempt to cope with their psychological distress DRUNK DRIVING Inexperienced driving combined with inexperienced drinking is a deadly combination . A report from â€Å"National Centre For Health Statistics†shows that motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among persons Between 15-23 years of age. Although they may reserve the right to drive, but, of course no right to put the others in danger while accidents. OTHER EFFECTS: Underage drinking has countless effects and therefore, it’s impossible to take all of them into account. Research shows that of those who began drinking at the age of 18,66% subsequently are classified with alcohol dependence and 7. 8% with alcohol abuse. If a person waits until the age of 21 before taking their first drink, these risks decreases by 60%. (Grant 103) Alcohol use can affect teenagers health, family relationships and can also place other members of the society in danger. It has a tendency to lower the productivity and the quality of work being done and can cause problems in both one’s school and career. Economic costs are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM: Identifying the teenager alcohol abuser is difficult but not impossible. Specific behavior and characteristics to watch for to determine if alcohol abuse is occurring include the following; a) frequent absenteeism. b) decline in academic performance. c) lack of interest in extracurricular activities d) problems with peers e) self destructive behavior f) lack of energy g) lack of concern about personal wellbeing. h) obvious signs of intoxication CONCLUSION: Alcohol abuse among teenagers and even younger children is a rapidly growing social problem. Alcohol is glamorized in movies and television. Beer commercials using sports figures try to convince teenagers. As a society we send mixed signals to our youth about alcohol use, on the one hand we talk about it, joke about it, and treat it as not only acceptable but also desirable. On the other hand we recognize the problems caused by alcohol abuse. Death and injuries in traffic accidents, loss of productivity, child abuse, broken homes and other serious societal problems linked to alcohol. REMEDY: In my suggestion, an intensive education program supported by the community with qualified persons and also supported by the government in terms of financial support can positively change the attitudes and cause significant change in knowledge about alcohol. Schools can play an important role to initiate education and preventive efforts because they reach more students than any other place. It also involves complete commitment with extensive planning. REFERENCES  · Grant 1996,adolescent drug abuse, vol 76, pgg 84,85.  · Cahalan 1997, underage use and abuse of alcohol, pg 87  · Royce 1996, alcohol,the national hangover, pg 44  · Jean Lennane 1995, alcohol, pg 56  · Alcohol, the facts, 1997, Australian government publishing service,pg148  · Key Healey, 1997,Alcohol, The facts, pg 176 ADDITIONAL READINGS  · Gall T. L. , 1996 , Statistics on alcohol use,gale research inc.  · Alcoholism, 1998,vol 64, Neil kessel and Henry Walton.
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